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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Money For Nothing?

 Amway, in my opinion, is a product pyramid scam with a sales pitch. Although they have not been determined to be illegal, they are nonetheless classified as a product pyramid. The reason they are able to remain legal, according to reports, is that they do not compensate anyone for directly recruiting downline members and that they claim to sell things to real clients. However, almost everyone has been recruited by a fanatical Amway IBO, or knows someone who has been attracted by one. In most active IBO organisations, the emphasis is placed on recruiting, and much of the training provided by the upline is focused on tactics for recruiting and/or how to communicate to people without revealing the Amway brand name. Most independent business owners (IBOs) are not very adept at this, and they stand out like sore fingers in many situations. Additionally, it's amusing when uplines teach strange behaviours, as as when certain IBOs used to deny that Amway and Quixtar were even remotely connected, or if anyone remembers the "perfect water" fiasco that occurred a number of years ago.

In order to justify their participation in the product pyramid, independent business owners (IBOs) sometimes cite the fact that they can make more than their sponsor. While this is true, it is only because everyone below the emerald or diamond levels is essentially expendable, or a slave in the pyramid, rather than a member of the elite. There are a large number of IBOs who reach fairly high levels but either quit or have their enterprises destroyed by their upline. As a result, even platinums are expendable in the eyes of the upline. In fact, by removing the platinum, an upline may be able to earn more money. Do you, as a fresh IBO or recruit, honestly believe that you will ever be able to surpass your current upline diamond or higher? Unfortunately, you are erroneous in your assumptions.

As well as others who dream of being a diamond tycoon and spending their days strolling along the beaches of the world. What makes you think you'll ever be able to accomplish that? There is no such thing as getting something for nothing until someone else receives nothing in exchange for something. Your downline IBOs must continue to purchase products and replace IBOs who leave in order for you to continue to receive income with little or no work on your part. If your downlines are unable to keep up with the attrition rate, your firm will fail in a short period of time. After all, if a diamond can just walk away and continue to generate a substantial income in perpetuity, why hasn't someone done so? That is to say, we still see crown ambassadors out and about attending functions, and I am not aware of any who have retired from their positions to spend their days jet-setting across the world.

The unfortunate reality is that you will see new faces at meetings and activities on a regular basis, just as you will see familiar faces fade away. With that kind of attrition rate, you may find yourself having to work even harder at the highest levels of your organisation just to maintain the status quo. The pyramids of Giza were constructed by slaves in Egypt. Do you have a sufficient number of slaves? What many Egyptologists find astonishing is how the Egyptians were able to keep the slaves motivated to keep working, despite the fact that they were doing backbreaking work for the rest of their lives. The same may be stated for a business at the diamond level (or higher)

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