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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Amway Suckers?

 Just a quick disclaimer: I used to work as an IBO. As a result, I was once a sucker in my own right. Of course, when I was an independent business owner, it wasn't as simple to Google Amway and obtain a plethora of material. Basically, I was told a lot of lies about the company and the training programme. I was given a two- to five-year plan. On the surface, it appears to be a fairly realistic and doable goal. Despite this, the reality is that Amway's reputation is so tainted that it is nearly impossible to get individuals to even consider the opportunity, let alone sponsor them into your downline.

The training system, I was also told, was critical, and that no one had ever achieved success without it. It's a falsehood, of course, because some of the world's most valuable gems and crowns date back to before the invention of tools. Also, the fact that just one out of every tens of thousands of IBOs in the United States achieves diamond status should serve as a signal of your likely results. Many people aspire to be diamonds, but only a small number of people actually reach that level. Even those who do manage to acquire diamond status will almost certainly find it difficult to maintain their status. This is demonstrated by the large number of diamonds that fail to qualify and ultimately exit the competition. It appears that only those who stand to gain from the tools continue to exist. It appears that the "residual" money is derived from the sale of the tools. However, that income is derived from continual travel and earning, rather than from strolling along beaches sipping exotic cocktails.

The rates charged by Amway for several of its items are likewise outrageous. Take, for example, double x, which is essentially Amway's main vitamin product. It retails for approximately $78 whereas the IBO cost is approximately $52. Several years ago, a site visitor gave me a comment stating that Amway workers (not IBOs) can acquire double x from the company for approximately $12. I attempted to check the information with Amway, but they were unable to do so. I believe that Amway might earn a good profit by offering double x for around $17 per unit. Never mind Amway's ideal water (bottled water), which sells for approximately $50 a case and is available only in limited quantities.

Many independent business owners (IBOs) are persuaded that they require an unlimited supply of training in order to be successful, which is a mildly amusing aspect of the situation given all of the reputation difficulties and expensive expenses. Some upline have even had the audacity to advise their audience to take a closer look at the fruit on the tree. The trees, like many other trees in the winter, have become barren and their leaves have fallen off. Essentially, Amway and the AMOs survive on recruiting fresh and naive idiots to their organisations on a regular basis. If you honestly believe your upline is concerned about you, you should experiment with skipping a few functions to see if they still serve to edify you. Many people have been taken advantage of in the past. We can only hope that the tools fraud will be brought to an end by widely available knowledge.

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