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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

My Debate With An Amway Drone

 Please accept my apologies for the length of this post, but it is actually pretty hilarious, and I will also include the link in case you want to follow along or perhaps give your own opinions on the subject matter. The traditional Amway defence, which includes unfounded income and lifestyle claims, is employed in this case. He also accuses me of lying, although he never specifies what he believes I am deceiving him about. Enjoy!


What do you mean, "FAILED system"?? Yeah. Right. 8 billion dollars each year, no sticks, no dent Throughout the last two years, we've added 60 merchant partners and experienced double-digit growth in North America.

(Oh, that's right.) Aha. ) And the world's #1 nutritional supplier, of course.


8 billion dollars per year Amway made 11.8 billion in 2013, a decrease of more than 25% from the previous year. Is there no debt? What evidence do you have that Amway is debt-free? The fact that this is an old talking point has been proven incorrect in the past if you know how to utilise Google is proof of this. And the claim that they are the world's best-selling nutritional supplier is a complete fabrication.

Nestle is the world's most successful nutritional supplier, with sales exceeding $1 billion annually. They number more than 40 billion people in the Americas alone. You are simply repeating lies that your uplines have told you without checking them for yourself. The chances are high that you are also repeating income claim fabrications from your upline.

Nestle's annual report may be found at


Because of AMWAY, no one went into the dark or lost their homes. (Gee, according to your logic, Greg (Duncan) couldn't afford the tapes, books, and travel expenses to all of those occasions.

Guy Matt (Tsuruda), an EDC, was earning $90,000 a month when we met.

He's probably making 4-5 times as much money now.


It is not about how much money you make, but rather about what you do with it. Greg Duncan is making $40K every month, but he's going bankrupt?


For your information, there are approximately 3500 collegiate players who either graduate or declare for the draught before they graduate each year. Do you have any idea how many players are drafted in the entire NFL? 254. There is a 7 percent possibility of being drafted, which means you have to work hard.

Then there are some undrafted walk-ons that show up to training camp and play a role in the offence. Then there's organised team activities (OTAs), monocamps, training camps, and the preseason, during which 90 or so men all hope to make the roster (of which there are really less than 50 possible openings on a maximum 53-man roster, half of which are already taken by superstars like Tom Brady, Beckham, and Gronk, and the rest of which are taken by others).

So you have a 3 percent chance of even making the roster, and even if you do, you won't be earning any money because you'll be on the practise squad, which pays only the bare minimum.

Then there's the possibility of being hurt and missing the entire season (or a carreer)

What is the average length of a professional football career? The answer is less than 7 years.

And how much money do you make if you leave, quit, are cut, or are injured while playing in the National Football League?

There is no such thing as a zero (except maybe some pension depending on how long you played & what money you made. )

Tracey Eaton was forced to participate in a preseason game while suffering from the flu and a high temperature in order to prove himself and join the squad. In the state of Arizona.

Do you know what occurred after he retired from the NFL with $300,000 in the bank and had to try his hand at being a stock broker?

He ended up with a $400,000 debt and was forced to sell his home!

Thank goodness Wolgamott came along, and he inquired of Wolgamott as to how he was able to sleep in every day while also being wealthy.

They are now as free as diamonds and own a gorgeous high-rise condo in Seattle, as well as a second home on the river, which they purchased with cash.

Eaton earns more money than he ever did in the NFL, and he is not subject to injury, age, or roster cuts like he was in the NFL.

Yes, we are well aware of the chances.

)There's also the Superbowl champion Tim Foley in Miami, NBA player Hal Greer, and several other world-class championship athletes who make their income from amway or who advocate the nutrilite Brand, to name a few. Take, for example, Kurt Warner, another walk-on who proved he had what it took in terms of character and progressed from back-up quarterback to Superbowl champion. Yeah. nutrilite and amway are two of his favourite companies.

Not everyone who participates in the game is a champion or a winner. Only those who have what it takes (which, obviously, you do not!) will succeed.


10:00 a.m. on July 30, 2018

7 percent is a significant increase in success over Amway Independent Business Owners. According to legend, a platinum is the point at which you begin to break even more and make a modest profit, depending on your dedication to the system. A platinum is already in the top 1% of IBOs, which is a very small fraction of the total. What genuine company owner prospect would want to invest their time and money in an opportunity where the chances of success are so slim?

Before they sign on the dotted line, arena football players are well aware of the terms of the agreement. They are signing up because someone informed them that if they play arena football, they will earn residual income for the rest of their lives.

Who knows what Tracy Eaton creates, and how can you find out? Did you get a copy of his financial statements? You have no idea what you're talking about, but you keep making these types of assertions. The only thing you're saying is that he lacks integrity and is capable of deceiving others in order to make a living. Walking the beaches for 2-5 years is a fabrication. One that has major ramifications for many of those who are involved.


woww. Once again, you demonstrated that you have difficulties comprehending (or paying attention to) what people are truly trying to communicate.

It is not certain that 7 percent of those drafted will make the squad by the end of preseason, and even if they do make the team, half of those drafted will never make a million dollars in their careers.

he majority of people have ended up broke after retiring (the average career is less than 7 years, and they don't pay you or even guarantee your wage if you aren't playing). Numerous players are injured, and most contracts feature team-friendly incentives that only pay based on the number of snaps you play in a given year.

He barely lasted a few years after breaking his asses to make the squad during preseason, and he ended up broke and forced to sell his home after he was released from the team. None of his NFL earnings were guaranteed or transferable to his children.

Now he makes more money than he did in the NFL, and all of it is transferable to his children, with the majority of it coming from passive, ongoing income streams.

He purchased his second property entirely in cash. (Did you do it?


I absolutely get what you're saying. Anyone who is drafted, however, earns at the very least a signing bonus of approximately $100,000 or more, even if they do not make the club.

Most Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) make nothing, and if they attend events, almost all of them lose money.

Tracy Eaton can tell you that he purchased his property with cash. My house was purchased entirely with cash. See how that works out for you? Talk is cheap, but action is more valuable. Greg Duncan also stated that she purchased his properties with cash. After that, we have foreclosures. What's more, guess what? Homes that have been paid for are not subject to foreclosure.

“None of his NFL earnings was guaranteed or transferable to his children.” This is complete and utter nonsense. He could have left all of his guaranteed income to his children if he had planned ahead of time.

You know why Amway diamonds may resign or resign from their positions, but they never "walk away"? They have to continue to operate the company. The majority of Amway independent business owners do little or nothing and then resign. People will continue to do little or nothing and eventually give up if you do not continue to expand your Amway business. You will not be able to generate a sustainable income in an environment with such a high attrition rate unless you are constantly working at it. The never quit attitude that the upline instils in his or her employees applies to the upline as well. If they decide to leave, their company will implode faster than a low-cost Amway suit does.


Give an example of an NFL contract that stipulates that the player will continue to get their or her bloated pay even if they are no longer able to play.

There is no such thing! The entire process is completely dependent on their own abilities.

Amway does not hire on the basis of aptitude. You or your beneficiaries will receive income from an asset that continues to create revenue and hence earns for you or your beneficiaries.

Have you ever heard of the term "integrated Diamond"?

(Oh. Please accept my apologies. After Ron died, does this mean that Georgia Lee (Puryear) no longer receives any income?

It's probably best if you tell Jim to go obtain a job.


So why don't diamonds just walk away and go to their retirement home? Because if they don't work, their company will come crashing down around them. If you want to be successful in Amway, you must be able to recruit and lie to recruits in order to get them to join up and purchase Amway products, tools, and functions.

I really don't know. Georgia Lee refused to share me (or you) her financial records, so I (and you) have no way of knowing what she is earning or if she is still earning money from Amway.

Surely you are aware that Amway diamonds make investments in other companies outside Amway, don't you?


In all of my years with the Amway firm and WWDb, I have never been lied to. You, on the other hand, lie all the time and make up stories to support your reasons for quitting your job. That is something that losers do, and it is not something that we do in our family.


What is it that I have lied about? I'd want to offer my own personal experience. Whether you agree with it or not is a different thing, but these are not fabrications.

You come up with all kinds of stories. You make claims about money from people you don't know. You put on the act of knowing how much money the gems make and how much money they spend. The truth is that you have no idea.

You fell for the deception that buying from oneself could result in profits for you.

Despite your repeated requests, you have yet to explain why not a single diamond was able to walk away with residual income. Instead, they continue to work until they are no longer needed. That is not the definition of freedom.

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