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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Early Retirement Because Of Amway?

 I've read some amusing stuff, such as when an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO) claims to be 19 years old and will be "retired" at the age of 24 because of the Amway business. In my own experience, I am not aware of anyone who has retired primarily on residual Amway income, as many people appear to believe they have. Not that this has never been done before, but I assume that the number of people who have done it is so insignificant that it is not worth mentioning in this context. Even the Crown Ambassadors appear to be working, and they appear to have extremely hectic schedules that need them to be on the go all of the time. A number of royal ambassadors have passed away while still performing their duties in previous years. Why aren't there any Amway retirees around? I'm acquainted with retired teachers, police officers, fire fighters, and other professionals. There are no Amway retirees that I am aware of.

Because of the low retention rate of IBOs, even a large Amway operation could collapse rather fast if there is no regular replacement of IBOs in place. It is for this reason that I believe Amway employees will never be able to retire. They must continue to labour, or their firms would come crashing down. If you are a diamond, one downline platinum who fails to meet qualification requirements could cause you to be demoted to emerald rank. Diamonds do not last forever, especially in the world of Amway. They may be wearing the diamond pin and giving speeches at gatherings, yet they may have been a diamond in the past and have a limited downline group of people.

This is something I ask of IBOs. Is your upline diamond, or someone in the chain between you and the diamond, retired as a result of (mainly) Amway earnings? Do you, as an independent business owner, have a predicted date for when you will "walk away" from your firm and retire? When I was an IBO, I used to be perplexed as to why no one "walked away" from their business after they reached the diamond status. To my mind, the solution stands out like a beacon in the darkness. Because of the high turnover in the IBO industry, if a diamond were to leave the firm, he would most likely be out of qualification in less than a year. The bonuses would be forfeited, and the diamond would very certainly be forced to find for work. There are numerous examples of diamonds who have resigned their jobs and, in some circumstances, returned to them.

Many unwary prospects may be enticed into the Amway business with the promise of an early retirement in exchange for their participation. Amway recruiters may claim that having control over one's time and money is the key to success, but the reality is that the vast majority of those who join the company will end up with less time and money than they would have had they not joined at all. Many people, particularly young people, may find it beneficial to obtain financial guidance from a professional and to set long-term investing objectives. After 30 to 40 years, a monthly investment of approximately $200 can yield a return of close to a million dollars.

Yes, it is possible that "some" persons retired early as a result of their (mainly) Amway income. But I'm not aware of any. And not a single Amway apologist has ever been able to provide one example. It reminds me of the mythical creature known as Bigfoot/Sasquatch There have been several claims and allegations that these animals exist, but there is no genuine evidence to back the claim that such a monster exists in reality.

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