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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

What Are Your Dreams?

 One of the methods my upline uses to acquire prospects is to urge them to think about their hopes and aspirations. Dreams might be grandiose, such as owning a yacht, or they can be modest, such as taking a cruise ship from New York to Alaska. The recruit is encouraged to think large and to imagine the activities they would like to do in their spare time. Perhaps it is the lack of a job, or perhaps it is the fact that you are a stay-at-home parent. All of them are fantastic aspirations and dreams. Dreams and aspirations are healthy things to have. The speaker will then inform the audience that all of these things are available as a result of their participation in the Amway opportunity. They are not going to declare that it is exceedingly unlikely. They just provide you with the best-case scenario, which is a pipe dream.

Now, it's possible that some people have had wonderful success with Amway. However, because these individuals are so few and far between, it is possible to claim that the lottery has the same level of success as Amway diamonds, or that the lottery has more winners than Amway diamonds. Recognizing that both the lottery and Amway are games of chance, it's possible to compare the "probable" outcomes of the two games. When it comes to Amway and the lottery, the vast majority of people are wasting their time and money while doing absolutely nothing. You have certain "best case scenarios" in which just a handful of them are realised. You then draw attention to and exhibit the success stories as proof that "anyone can achieve," just like anyone with a lottery ticket has a chance to win the lottery. The fact that a game of chance achieves results that are close to those obtained by Amway should raise red flags.

Some uplines will frequently inform their loyal downline that anyone who speaks poorly about Amway is a "dream stealer," implying that they themselves are a "dream stealer." Of course, this is a load of nonsense. Your heart and intellect are filled with the vision of your future. Nobody will be able to steal that. Second, whose dream is it that is being jeopardised? Isn't it true that the upline diamond is the one who gets all the perks and the big checks? The downline is essentially the ones who are footing the bill for their upline's goals. It is widely recognised that the vast majority of Amway items are not marketed to persons who are not Independent Business Owners (IBOs). It is also widely recognised that independent business owners (IBOs) account for 99 percent of all sales of tools and business support supplies. So, can you guess where the success of your upline diamond originates from? Yes, you are correct. The product volume of an IBO, as well as the tool purchases made by an IBO, generate a substantial income for the upline diamond. Take a deep breath and consider it for a moment.

So, absolutely, there are some people who succeed in Amway and reach their goals. In addition, there are persons who have achieved their goals via winning the lottery. There are millions of people who have attempted to develop an Amway business but have failed miserably. There are millions of people who enter the lottery each year but do not win a prize. Some dreams are realised, but the chances are that they are not yours. If you "never quit" and stick with the system, there is a significant probability that the dreams of your upline diamond will come true.

The question is whether you are attempting to realise your own ambitions or those of others.

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