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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Your Amway Business Vital Signs?

 The instruments on your dashboard provide information about how your automobile is performing and whether or not it requires maintenance when you are driving. For example, you may have a gas gauge to help you determine when it is necessary to refill the gas tank. If your engine is running hot or cold, you may have an indicator that shows the oil pressure, tyre pressure, and how warm or chilly the engine is running. When I need to change the oil or service the engine in my automobile, a light on the dashboard illuminates.

In addition, your Amway business contains some gauges. Unfortunately, many independent business owners (IBOs) are instructed by their uplines to ignore these indicators or are led to believe that warning signs should not be heeded. I'll explain further, but I feel that far too many independent business owners (IBOs) are aware of the warning signs, but have been conditioned to ignore them.

Selling items is what I do. Are you purchasing more PV than you are able to sell? I believe the majority of IBOs do. There is no way for a business to survive if it does not sell to customers. Bad upline guidance or coaching is one of the reasons why IBOs believe they can flourish even without consumers. "Buy from yourself" may be a part of some of the instruction. When you purchase anything from yourself, you make no money. Essentially, purchasing from yourself entitles you to become an Amway customer.

This is a non-profit, income-generating activity. If you spend a significant amount of time listening to standing orders, reading books, attending meetings, and prospecting people, none of these activities will generate any cash for you. In reality, these activities are costly to you. Sure, prospecting may pay off in the long run, but are you getting a fair return on your investment of time and money in these endeavours? Even if you pay for a standing order but are unable to generate more than 100 or 200 PV, your firm will not be able to cover the cost of the standing order, let alone the other charges that your upline may have persuaded you were "necessary."

Tools. If your monthly cost on tools (cds, meetings, voicemail, website fees, etc.) consistently surpasses your monthly income, you should consider what it will take for your business income to increase. If you don't, you'll simply be making a loss month after month after month. If you are not sponsoring or discovering new clients on a monthly basis, you are simply jogging in place, and you will burn energy (and money) while making little or no forward progress.

Do you have a plan to show me? If you are having difficulty getting individuals to see your plan, you will be unable to sponsor enough people to increase your volume. Additionally, your inability to demonstrate the plan will limit your capacity to recruit potential clients to your company. When you mention Amway, do folks get a little uncomfortable? These are warning indicators that the offer, despite what you hear from your upline, is not appealing to the majority of individuals.

Everything, including the warning signals and gauges, is in working order. IBOs merely need to believe what they see with their own eyes.

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