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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Better Than Amway?

 In one of the more amusing comments I frequently receive on this blog, someone suggests that Joecool should give suggestions about what would be better than Amway because I make comments that are perceived as being negative of the Amway opportunity. First and foremost, I would like to state unequivocally that the majority of my grievances are directed at the tool companies rather than Amway itself. While acknowledging the importance of IBO protection, I believe Amway should have done more to avoid IBO abuse by uplines and tool selling companies. Nevertheless, I believe that Amway has not done so because it is its uplines that are responsible for recruiting new IBOs and teaching new IBOs (de facto) 100 PV quotas, thus maintaining steady Amway sales. Uplines also instil a sense of product loyalty in their customers.

After all, what could be better than Amway? Given that the majority of IBOs earn (gross) less than $25 per month, there are numerous alternatives to Amway to consider. Working part-time for a wage would be more beneficial for the majority of people that become involved in the Amway business model. Purchasing and reselling stuff on Ebay for a profit is likely to provide more cash for you than selling Amway merchandise. Heck, a lemonade stand on the side of the road is likely to generate more cash than an Amway business venture. Even remaining at home and watching television is preferable to starting an Amway business for most people because watching television incurs no business expenses.

Not necessarily Amway or its products, but participation in Amway training materials such as voicemail, standing orders, functions, and other things that make the Amway business financially harmful to many people is what makes the Amway business financially unsafe. Despite the fact that this training is advertised as the key to Amway success, there is absolutely no unbiased documented evidence that any of the materials actually function. In my previous LOS, Worldwide Dream Builders, or WWDB, the same leaders I spotted more than a decade ago are still in place, and there are very few new gems to be found, at least that I am aware of. While there are "some" new diamonds, there are also many diamonds that are no longer in business, therefore I would suppose that there were "some." It makes me question why diamonds would quit or resign from Amway if they had the option to "walk away" and continue to get "residual money" from the company. Perhaps the residual income you're referring to is a mirage perpetuated by your company's LOS. After all, Amway makes no mention of residual income, and I'm confident that they would mention it if it were a legitimate benefit of being an independent business owner.

What is so disheartening is that so many enthusiastic and driven individuals become entangled in the Amway opportunity, believing that their financial hopes and goals would be realised as a result of their participation. Unfortunately, the vast majority will wind up losing money as a result of the very training that was supposed to help them succeed! Even the most ardent Amway proponents cannot point to any verifiable evidence of their accomplishment. Even the most determined Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) appear to be unable to achieve success. Since 2006, I've been writing on this blog (as well as another blog that I previously ran). Many people have commented and come and gone, with some making bold boasts that they will go diamond and then return to slap my face in the ashes of their failure. In all of these years, not a single Independent Business Owner (IBO) has returned with any evidence of Amway accomplishments.

So, what's even greater than the Amway opportunity, you might wonder? It appears to be anything at all. For those who are involved in the training system, donating $100 per month to charity and doing nothing else will put you in a better financial position than participating in Amway and the associated training. You would be better off if you didn't do anything. Watching football games would also likely leave you in a better financial position than working for Amway or using training techniques. The simplest solution (although you must make your own decision) is to simply find part-time job and invest the extra money you earn prudently. It isn't quick or glamorous, but it is likely to be beneficial in the long run. Of course, your experience may differ. Wishing you the best of luck in whatever you decide to do.

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