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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Why I Dislike Amway

 I used to be an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO). This was back in the 1990s, remember? My first encounter with Amway occurred when I was invited to a "beer bust" while attending college. When I arrived at the party, I was surprised to discover my friends in suits and a white board put up in the living room. I was mortified. I remember thinking, "WTF?" Whatever the case, I stayed to see the plan and then departed, thinking to myself what a filthy trick it had been to ask us to a beer party to show us the plan in order to avoid being disrespectful to our friends. It was a disaster.

Later, an old buddy of mine got in touch with me and asked if I would be interested in hearing about a business opportunity he was considering. He explained the Amway business opportunity to me, and of course, I had a negative experience with it. In the meantime, I told my friend to call me if he actually made any money from it. My acquaintance phones me about a year and a half later and informs me that he has achieved the status of platinum. So it piqued my curiosity because he claimed it was not difficult and that he could easily lead me through the process. As a result, I bit and joined. After all, I was able to move up the levels and reach the 4000 PV level. However, I soon learned that, while rising higher was exciting, my net profit was still almost non-existent. And, as a result of the lack of profit, my upline's expectations rose as well. I was instructed to "submit" and follow their instructions. In addition, there were further meetings and functions.

My realisation that the entire game is a hoax came at that point. Yeah, I felt the diamonds were getting a fantastic deal, but it turned out to be a swindle for the rest of us. Yes, it is possible to outperform your sponsor, and occasionally, a person even breaks through and becomes a diamond. However, it is extremely rare, and those who are fortunate enough to obtain a diamond can easily lose it, as proven by all of the previous gems.

However, what I discovered is that it is a swindle for the rank and file, as well as the platinums. You are essentially selling false aspirations and dreams to your customers. You may attract a number of energetic and youthful people to your organisation, but the fact is that an overwhelming majority of them will fail, and the majority of them will lose money, with some losing a large amount of money. However, for the most majority of them, they never even had a chance when they signed up. This is due to the fact that, in order to keep the fraud going, prospects are only offered the best-case scenario and not what is likely. They are not informed that the vast majority of individuals do nothing or that the vast majority cannot sponsor anyone. Amway's products are difficult to sell, and a neutral price comparison would be detrimental to the company's bottom line.

Instead, we were told to be open-minded, not to talk about the Amway potential with family and friends, to listen only to upline (who have a conflict of interest), and to never give up on the chance. All of this is excellent advice for the diamonds in your upline, who will greatly benefit from hearing it. This is especially true given the fact that they profit from practically everything you do. They give you lies like being a nicer person or strengthening your marriage as a result of your participation in Amway, but once you are in, it is rarely about how much money you are earning. They want you to live vicariously via your upline's dreams in order to gain riches. They frequently believe that their diamond can walk on water when, in reality, they are simply lying and fooling their downline in order to sell them tools and functions.

They may be living the life of their dreams, but they are doing it by taking advantage of their downline while appearing to be their trusted advisors and mentors, according to you. And it is only one of the numerous reasons why I despise the Amway Corporation.

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