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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Amway IBO Sales Or Charity?

 It is understandable that Amway apologists may point to specific sales figures, which is nice and dandy. However, when I look at the kind of sales that Amway generates, the figures are inconsequential. I recently came across some comments that made me a little chuckle. After being invited to an Amway recruitment meeting by a friend, a prospect reportedly sat through the presentation (which was attended by no one else) and politely declined to register as a result of common politeness. The commenter went on to explain that, following the meeting, he felt terrible for his friend and decided to purchase something from his friend's IBO website, which he described as "feeling like making a charitable donation." The fact that Amway's products are mostly consumed by IBOs themselves and that less than 5 percent of Amway goods actually make it into the hands of non-IBO customers begs the question.

The question today is how much of the IBO retail sales are essentially charitable contributions made to IBOs by family and friends who simply feel sorry for their familiar IBO out of the minuscule amount of retail sales generated by the IBO industry. When I initially declined to join Amway under the sponsorship of my future sponsor, they did approach me and encourage me to purchase some of their products. However, as a single male, my age group demography did not correspond to the products that were being promoted. If my recollection serves me well, I ended up purchasing the Amway liquid auto polish. However, while the auto wax performed equally well as the other popular brands at the time, I recall that I paid approximately $12 for it around 1995. A large size bottle of Nu-Finish or Astroshield liquid auto wax is presently available for $7.99 at Target or other local retailers, and the store occasionally offers them on special for $5.99. So, in essence, if I purchase my vehicle wax on a shop special, I am receiving approximately twice as much car wax for the same amount. I understand that Amway zealots will want to compare the pricing with an online source, but as I previously stated, I prefer to make my purchases in person and to take advantage of store specials, which are held every couple of months in my area.

I'm aware that I've seen other members of my family and acquaintances involved in multi-level marketing at times. And while I was previously in their shoes, I now consider their efforts to be a little sad, especially considering that they are essentially following the same road that I followed as an IBO roughly 12 years ago. I don't tell them no, but I just refuse to look at their plan or join as a downline in their company. I have also provided philanthropic contributions to some acquaintances who have become interested in multi-level marketing on occasion. If nothing else, it's important to show your support for a friend. Ultimately, these MLM buddies came to the same conclusion as I did and departed on their own accord. Some of them continue to read my blog, while others have silently slipped away into the sunset. They do not maintain an educational blog in the same manner as I do, but not everyone is able or willing to do so. (Does this sound familiar?)

To be honest, after reading some of the comments about the courteous friend who purchased an Amway product from a friend, I'm left wondering whether IBOs are actually making retail sales or whether they're simply receiving charitable contributions from friends and family in the form of Amway product purchases.

Amway is a well-known multi-level marketing organization that is known for its extensive selection of products as well as its Independent Business Owners (IBOs), who are responsible for selling these items and recruiting new members to join the business. However, there has been some discussion about whether the primary focus of Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) is on making sales or on engaging in charitable activities and assisting others.

On the one hand, Independent Business Owners with Amway are encouraged to generate sales in order to move up in the company's compensation structure and receive commissions. They are instructed in a variety of sales strategies, such as giving presentations, following up with customers, and establishing contacts with prospective clients and recruits. It is clear that the company places a strong focus on sales, since this is shown in both its marketing materials and its training programs, both of which stress the significance of meeting sales quotas and developing a prosperous enterprise.

On the other hand, many Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) also devote part of their time to charitable endeavors and volunteer activities as part of their business. Amway has a long history of contributing to a wide variety of philanthropic causes, and the company actively encourages its Independent Business Owners to do the same. The corporation makes available a program known as the Amway One by One Campaign for Children, which contributes financial resources and other support to groups all around the world that work to assist disadvantaged children. Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) are urged to get involved in volunteer activities and community service programs in their local areas.

Some individuals believe that Independent Business Owners (IBOs) for Amway are using their involvement in charitable organizations as a means of promoting their companies and selling more products. They note out that many IBOs will utilize charity gifts as a way to market their business and attract new members, rather than merely as a way to help individuals in need. This is something that they do not do because they genuinely want to help people. They also contend that Amway's concentration on sales might lead to a focus on profit rather than on actually helping others. This is something that they say is a problem with the company.

Nevertheless, proponents of Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) believe that the company's emphasis on sales and charity activities are not incompatible with one another. They contend that Independent Business Owners of Amway can be successful in both sides of their business by utilizing their sales abilities to sell items, and also by supporting philanthropic causes that are congruent with their principles. They also highlight the fact that many Amway Independent Business Owners actually care about assisting others and use their businesses as a means to make a positive difference in the communities in which they live.

To summarize, the primary objective of an Independent Business Owner (IBO) with Amway is to generate sales in order to accumulate commissions and move up in the ranks of the company's compensation plan. However, in addition to running their own businesses, many independent business owners are also involved in charitable and voluntary activity. Many independent business owners (IBOs) really care about helping others and utilize their businesses as a method to make a positive impact on the communities in which they live. However, there are other IBOs who may use charitable activity as a strategy to advertise their business and sell more products. At the end of the day, it is up to every single Amway Independent Business Owner to figure out the ratio of sales to charitable work that is optimal for both themselves and their company.

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