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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Amway Teaching?

 One thing is undeniable. Many Amway candidates are shown expensive automobiles and toys, as well as lavish vacations and other luxuries, before joining the company. This is a method of getting prospects enthused and interested in joining the Amway business opportunity. Many people sign up, but as soon as the enthusiasm wears off, they abandon ship. Many people do very little or nothing. However, what many people do not understand or comprehend is that there is a valid cause for this phenomenon. Many people do little or nothing, I believe, since starting a business is far more difficult than it appears on the surface.

Because Amway has a negative reputation in the United States (and is increasing in other countries), finding new prospects might be difficult. When you factor in the high cost of Amway items, you have substantial obstacles that independent business owners (IBOs) are unable to surmount. The majority of people simply give up and disappear into society. Some, including as myself, were deceived and abused by upline leaders (WWDB) who were never held accountable for their conduct and were instead promoted. Consequently, I blog so that others can learn from my mistakes and determine whether they want to take on seemingly impossible challenges for a slim chance of financial success. Perhaps they will come to recognise that they are being fed the same lies that I was told as an IBO. Perhaps some tidbit of knowledge will get through and be of assistance to a prospect or an existing IBO.

Many leaders change their teachings throughout time as a result of their experiences. They begin to tell their IBOs that the Amway opportunity may have made them happier people, better fathers or wives, and other nice-to-hear things in order to conceal the truth that these IBOs are not making any money from their business ventures. I sometimes question how someone can be a better person by lying people about the business opportunity, or how you can be a better father or husband when Amway meetings take precedence over time with your family and social circle. Alternatively, how can you be a kinder person while still leaving threatening remarks on forums with individuals who do not believe Amway is a fantastic business opportunity?

IBOs should focus on their bottom line rather than explaining their participation or examining potential side effects of their involvement. If your Amway "Business" is not earning enough money to cover your voicemail and other expenditures while still leaving you with a net profit, then what precisely is your upline teaching you that is worth the continual expense of running the business? If you are like the majority of people, you have been informed that Amway has minimal overhead and so poses little risk. That, however, becomes incorrect after months have passed and you have spent hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on support items that have failed to generate a net profit for you. Is it being taught to you that you are successful merely by showing up to a job interview or other event?

Are you a fresh IBO or a seasoned veteran? Has your upline's teaching shifted away from the emphasis on making money as the bottom line? If that's the case, what should you do next?

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