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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Glorified Sales People?

 It made perfect sense to me when I first saw the Amway plan since the diamond who delivered the presentation made everything appear logical to me. Make money and/or save money as you please. On the surface, it appears that you would have to be completely insane not to want to make or save some money. However, it is the actuality that is the source of the problem. The reality is that the recurring costs of the system expenses cause financial damage or financial disaster for IBOs who are in the business of growing businesses. I've seen crosslines go bankrupt and more than one couple lose their houses to foreclosure as a result of "doing whatever it takes" to get to the next function. I've also seen crosslines go out of business.

Folks that purchased massive quantities of extra tapes/cds, additional function tickets, and made superhuman attempts to get to functions were edified by our organisation (WWDB). Looking back, I recall an IBO who was edified for travelling all the way from California to attend a family reunion function in Portland, Oregon, despite being diagnosed with terminal cancer. The speaker stated that he could have been miserable at home, but that he was here to make a difference in the lives of others. WTH? Recently, I wrote about how IBOs believe they are saving the world and assisting people, but in fact the vast majority of IBOs are merely "assisting" their diamonds in accumulating material wealth through the purchase of function tickets, voicemails, standing orders, and other things.

I would agree that some training and knowledge can be beneficial for new IBOs, but I do not see the point in having an unlimited supply of CDs or downloads, as well as an unending number of meetings and activities, all of which I believe are unnecessary. Interestingly, the one item (support materials) that uplines claim is the key to your success is also the very thing that almost assures financial troubles for business growing IBOs. It was important to our upline for IBOs to be debt-free, which was a positive thing, but they also stated in the same breath that it was acceptable to incur debt in order to attend activities or purchase additional support materials. WTH? Unfortunately, many independent business owners fail to see through this self-serving counsel.

When it comes to dealing with vehicle salesmen, the majority of people, including me, are extremely cautious. We are sceptical because we are aware that the salesman is only interested in making a profit off of us and will attempt to sell us every option available to him. This leads to a negotiation process in which we reject vehicle options that we don't actually require. What's more, guess what? Unlike car salesmen, your uplines sell you different alternatives such as premier club, standing order, book of the month (if available), function tickets (if available), voicemail (if available), and open meeting (if available). Taking all of the available alternatives, just as a vehicle-buying consumer would, maximises the commission earned by the car salesman and the profit earned by the car dealer. Purchasing all of the necessary support items boosts the earnings of your upline. Consider the scenario in which a car dealer tells you that the extended warranty is essential to owning the vehicle. You'd think twice about it, but your uplines will tell you that functions are critical to your Amway business, and many independent business owners (IBOs) believe them wholeheartedly. In the hopes of encouraging IBOs to conceive about support materials as alternatives for their vehicles, I've created this comparison. You don't need any choices in order for the automobile to function properly. To buy and sell Amway products, as well as to recruit others to do the same, you don't actually require support materials, and neither does your downline.

We have a negative attitude toward vehicle salespeople. Downline and prospects, in my opinion, should be just as sceptical of uplines who sell tools as "essential" to your success in Amway as you should be of them. Keep in mind that a sponsor has an obligation to assist in the training of any downline, regardless of whether or not they are a part of the system.

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