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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The Proven System?

 Many uplines and independent business owners (IBOs) will speak about their system. WWDB and Network 21 are two examples of systems that promote themselves as the greatest, fastest growing, most profitable, and best-proven in the industry. While I was an IBO, I recall that this was the method of promotion, and I believe it is still the method of promotion. It appears from a large number of comments on the internet from IBOs and lately ex IBOs that this is indeed the situation. But let's take a closer look at these assertions.

What criteria should be used to determine the best? You just cannot do so. Unless there are set criteria for what makes the best, the best is merely a matter of opinion. Everyone in the organisation believes their group is the greatest, but what can be proven in a scientific manner from that assertion? If you are an Amway IBO or prospect, you should consider posing that question. You assert that your organisation or system is the "best" based on what you believe to be true.

It is possible to establish or deny who is the fastest growing. Although Amway is expanding in North America, we are aware that the company is not expanding at an alarming rate. During the period of Quixtar, it looked that Amway sales in North America were either stagnant or even declining. Amway advocates point to an increase in overall Amway sales, however it's logical to assume that the gain in sales is primarily due to an increase in sales in foreign countries. Amway no longer discloses North American sales, opting instead to include everything in a single global sales figure for whatever inexplicable reason.

As for any system that makes claims of being proven, all that these systems have really accomplished is to demonstrate that they are utter failures. On the basis of Amway's own statistics, we can conclude that less than half of one percent of IBOs ever achieve the platinum level of achievement. You can expect to make a tiny profit at the platinum level if the platinum is CORE, which is approximately where it is. There is some evidence to suggest that platinums may be losing money at that price point. While the study is out of current, the costs involved with becoming a platinum have increased dramatically since that time (according to the Wisconsin Attorney General), making it highly possible that platinums continue to incur a net loss in today's market place. Moreover, it is readily apparent that there are less diamonds in North America today than there were a dozen years ago. Diamonds have left the company, and some have been sacked. It appears that the majority of fresh diamonds are sourced from nations where Amway has not yet had reputational problems.

Creating claims about being the fastest-growing company is also one that can be substantiated. However, you could try to obtain proof of this allegation from your sponsor or upline. Also, is there any evidence of growth in your area? Are you a citizen of the United States or Canada? To cite growth in Korea, for example, is unlikely to mean much to the great majority of independent business owners (IBOs). If there is growth, how does it translate into leverage or an advantage for you? Attempt to answer these questions and see if you receive any responses.

The system has unquestionably been proven. However, it has turned out to be a flop. It is evident from the data provided by Amway that this is the case.

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