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Friday, August 13, 2021

Altruistic Amway IBOs?

 When I was an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO), I recall several meetings where the speaker would discuss how IBOs are assisting individuals by enrolling them in the business or at the very least presenting them the plan. When I look back, I don't understand how getting someone into a firm where they are nearly guaranteed to lose money (because of the procedures) is beneficial to them. This is also how some IBOs come to believe that they have suddenly become "better" persons since they believe that their work as an IBO is assisting others. It appears that Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) exclusively "assist" people who are already in the industry or who are considering getting into the business.

On average, Amway products are more expensive than those sold by large shops, therefore acquiring Amway products does not necessarily benefit the prospect. Purchasing Amway items by independent business owners (IBOs) means that they are taking money away from their local economy, but one could argue that the IBO is assisting Amway in its efforts to flourish. As an additional point of reference, many business-building IBOs make investments in instruments that, more often than not, result in such IBOs suffering a net business loss. What benefit does that have for anyone? Adding insult to injury, upline's typical response to a failed business involves the acquisition of additional equipment.

The majority of IBOs that are actively establishing a business have a large number of meetings to attend, and hard core IBOs are instructed not to miss any of these meetings. So, an IBO has less time to spend with his or her family as a result of their work. The IBO has less time to devote to religious activities and less time to volunteer for any community projects as a result. Because of the demanding schedule of an IBO, it is likely that the IBO will miss someone's wedding or birthday celebration. What benefit does this have for the IBO?

While all of this activity is taking place, IBOs are also seeing a decrease in their financial resources as a result of voicemail, standing orders, functions and books, and other Amway-related charges. As a result, IBOs have less money to donate to charity. What benefit does that have for anyone?

So here's an open and honest question. How do Independent Business Owners (IBOs) benefit individuals by creating an Amway business? What makes them better persons as a result of demonstrating the strategy to someone?

As far as I'm aware, the kinder and better person is something that upline emphasises as a side note in order to divert an IBO from the FACT that they are losing money as a result of the de facto 100 PV and tools requirements. They also provide the impression that IBOs are "assisting" consumers by displaying the business plan to them. After all, it's possible that the exact reverse is taking place. This is another strategy, in my opinion, that uplines employ to justify an IBO's lack of advancement, much in the same way that they tell downline that they are successful simply by attending an event. Beware!

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