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Friday, August 13, 2021

UplIne Wants My Success?

When it comes to upline diamonds, one of the biggest loads of guano they commonly tell their groups is that they truly want their downline IBOs to be successful. As far as I can tell, your upline diamond couldn't care less about your achievement, as long as you continue to purchase tools and attend functions on their dime. Your dedication equates to money in the bank for the diamonds in your upline. They will tell you that you are a warrior or a fighter in order to make you feel good, but they couldn't care less about you behind the scenes.

Now, I feel that your sponsor is likely to be interested in your success to some extent, but technically, your sponsor is expected to train and motivate you at no expense, which is why your sponsor stands to gain if you acquire or move a sufficient amount of product or services. The problem with this is that your sponsor is also quite likely to be involved in the tools system, which means that income from his or her firm will be diverted to support the upline diamond's operations. They most likely want you to "succeed" just enough so that you don't give up on the project. If you were the only one who showed up to a function, you might be informed that you were a success.

Look closely and you will notice that the advice offered from the stage at functions or large meetings is so generic that it does not usually apply to you as a person. If the advice is so generic, you can acquire the same information on an MP3 or a CD. But the jewels require IBOs to attend large functions every three months, according to the rules. I'm assuming this is to supplement their Amway earnings. These diamonds are not in the role of mentors. Individual enterprises and your own abilities are not taken into consideration. How can they help you in this type of business if they don't know what you're talking about? They are unable to do so.

Consider the implications of this. Is it your upline's desire for your success, or is it their desire for your money? Almost every time you receive "assistance," it comes at a cost to you. Meetings in the open, attitude sessions, and functions. It takes time and money to do each of these things, and there is no direct correlation between success and the mythical residual income that people dream about having. If your upline claims this, inquire as to how they intend to ensure that it occurs, aside from a commitment to functions and cds.

Consider this food for thought. If you were to genuinely go diamond, your leaders would receive less money for tools. Is it really that they want your success, or are they just saying it to make you feel good? 

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