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Friday, August 13, 2021

Faking Amway Success?

 One of the things I was taught as an IBO was to "fake it til you make it." This was one of the lessons I learned. Based on my interactions with and observations of IBO conduct, I feel that this is still likely to be the case today." If you've been following the problems of various upline leaders such as Shores or Duncan, and their financials, you've probably come to the conclusion that even the diamonds can have financial difficulties. In addition, some former gems who have left the company or quit have stated feelings that are comparable to this.

However, if you look at functions such as "Dream Night," in which the diamonds show off pictures of mansions, sports cars, boats, and jetskis, you can conclude that the diamonds are implying that all of these luxuries are part of their regular lifestyles, including the notion of waking up at noon and never having to go to work. Alternatively, This, I feel, is really a façade, or an exercise in deception on the part of the downline, in the majority of diamond cases. I recall the diamonds calling out to the audience to "come join us." As they watch the presentation, some IBOs are so overcome with desire that tears stream down their cheeks. They honestly feel that putting in 2-5 years of effort into the system will guarantee their success.

The unfortunate reality is that the vast majority of IBOs, despite their efforts, will end up making nothing, or, if they are fully immersed in the system of functions, CDs, and books, will end up making a loss. It is possible for IBOs who stick around for a few years to suffer losses in the thousands or tens of thousands of dollars. They may have been told repeatedly during the process that perseverance was crucial or that they would "make it" provided they didn't give up. It's impossible to imagine something more far from the truth. Nothing but financial losses may be expected as a result of working hard and never giving up, according to the facts.

But what about the average rank and file IBOs, who don't have diamonds or high pins to show for their efforts? I suspect that a large number of them are likewise forgeries. Despite the fact that they dress in suits and boast about their achievements, if you ask one of them whether they genuinely generate a net profit, you'll hear more excuses than answers. When asked, the traditional response is that it is none of your concern, or that their outcomes are not indicative of yours because it is dependent on your efforts. This is really a diversionary tactic. It should be possible to qualify statements made by those marketing the opportunity and then flaunting the lifestyle that can allegedly be reached as a result of participating in it. In everyday business, it is customary for prospective business partners or investors to request evidence or confirmation that the company produces the goods or services that are claimed. It is interesting, but not surprising, that Amwayers think the opposite to be true. I believe this is due to the fact that many Amwayers, starting from the top, are impersonators.

Within the Amway industry, faking Amway success is a common technique that has been documented on multiple occasions. Independent Business Owners (IBOs) deceive potential recruits and customers about their incomes, accomplishments, or lifestyles in order to inspire and encourage others to become involved in the Amway business.

IBOs are able to fabricate their level of success in Amway in a number of different ways. Exaggerating their earnings or claiming to have reached a greater level in their Amway business than they actually have is a frequent tactic among those who engage in this practice. To give the impression that they have achieved even greater levels of success than they actually have, some IBOs may even forge documents or generate fictitious revenue statements.

IBOs can create the appearance of riches and success by renting or borrowing costly cars, jewelry, or other luxury items. This helps them give the impression that they are successful and wealthy in their Amway business. This strategy is frequently utilized in an effort to persuade prospective recruits that becoming a part of the Amway organization will result in a luxurious way of life.

Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) and the Amway company as a whole could face severe repercussions if they are caught lying about their level of success with the company. It is not only unethical but also potentially unlawful to exaggerate one's earnings or accomplishments in any way. In addition to this, it may lead to new IBOs having expectations that are impossible to meet, and as a result, they may be persuaded to join the firm based on false promises.

Before you join the Amway business, it is essential to conduct your own research and exercise the appropriate level of care in order to reduce the likelihood of being duped by a fabricated story of success. Be careful of Independent Business Owners (IBOs) that make promises that cannot be kept or who appear to be more concerned with acquiring new members than with constructing a profitable business. Inquire about documentation of past profits or accomplishments, and make it a point to study the Amway Business Reference Guide to ensure that you have a complete understanding of the business strategy as well as the potential for earnings and expenses.

It is imperative that you notify Amway's Compliance Department if you have any reason to believe that an Independent Business Owner (IBO) is exaggerating their level of success with the company. This can be done in complete anonymity, and every report is given careful consideration by Amway in order to guarantee that its business practices are both moral and compliant with the law.

In conclusion, making up success stories in Amway is a dishonest and unethical business practice that can be detrimental to the reputations of both the IBOs involved and the Amway company as a whole. It is essential for all IBOs to act in an honest and honorable manner at all times and to construct their businesses on the foundation of genuine accomplishments and a lot of hard work rather than on the foundation of false promises and misrepresentations.

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