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Friday, August 13, 2021

Once Upon A Time?

 "And they lived happily ever after," the storey continues. That is the finale of many fairy tales and children's stories, and it is also a cute finish. Exactly what the diamonds want you to believe: that they will become diamonds, relocate to easy street, and walk the beaches of the world as cash continues to flow into their accounts. Nothing could be further from the truth, in my opinion, based on my personal experience and observations. Is it possible to identify the diamond who perpetrated this?

When you attain diamond status in Amway, you are awarded the diamond pin as well as possible lifetime honour. In order to receive the diamond bonus and free vacations, it is necessary to continue to meet the requirements. However, the fact remains that due to attrition, a large number of platinums are unable to maintain their qualification. And if platinum does not requalify, then diamonds can easily lose their qualification as well. Only a few diamonds have any excess platinums lying around.

My former diamond was kicked out of the programme, though I have heard that he has since requalified. However, in a private conversation with an IBO, it was discovered that none of the platinums he originally qualified with were still qualified, and that the majority of them were no longer even affiliated with Amway. Is this anything that you would consider financial security? Rather than smooth sailing, diamonds are more likely to experience rocky periods where people abandon ship and have to sweat things out until they can attract more suckers to keep them afloat.

I strongly encourage everyone to look over and scrutinise the gems with a critical eye. They would have you believe that their lives are fairy tales, but this is not the case. They may not work from 9 to 5, but I can assure you that they put in a significant amount of effort to keep their business running smoothly. A diamond's income is also mostly comprised of annual bonuses, which account for the vast majority of the diamond's earnings. As a result, the income from diamonds could be fairly little. An typical non-Q12 diamond earns less than $200k from Amway, and that is gross income only; there are no fringe benefits and no retirement plan available to him or her.

I believe that diamonds do not become diamonds and then go on to have a happily ever after.

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