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Friday, August 13, 2021

The Amway Bait And Switch Scam?

 As far as I am aware, Amway is a massive bait and switch fraud organised by the diamonds. The diamonds are revered by the audience as if they were gods of sorts. Whenever they appear to demonstrate the strategy and/or to speak at a function, they are greeted with standing ovations. The diamonds are a symbol of untold riches that are out of reach for the majority of people. In addition to showing slide shows of spectacular trips and events that they have attended, they may also participate in golf outings and other pleasant activities that are associated with wealthy individuals. The diamond is frequently accompanied by a sports car or a luxurious sedan, such as a Lexus or a Mercedes. And Amway is credited for providing all of this claimed wealth. To become a member and learn the secrets to wealth from the gems is all it takes to live your life in spectacular luxury. According to what I've heard, it should take 2-5 years to build properly and once.

However, it is a classic bait and switch fraud. They demonstrate their wealth and boast about their enormous earnings (without providing evidence, of course), and people are inclined to believe what they are told. The diamonds assert that they hold the key to unlocking the secret to success. Getting yourself linked into their system is all you need to do to be almost certain of success. Right? Pay attention to those jewels. They are the pinnacle of success, and all you have to do to emulate them is to follow their methods. Even a dog can earn a platinum because the process is so straightforward. All you need is 2-5 years to complete the task correctly and once, and you'll be set for life.

As a result, you sign up for their voicemail system, books, standing orders (audios/CDs), meetings, and functions/seminars, among other things. The concept appears to be similar in both the lessons and the readings. Never give up, because the majority of Amway problems can be solved by consuming more tools and functionalities than are now available. If you are having difficulty and are losing money, it appears that the remedy is to increase your investment in tools and functions. In this case, the struggling business is spending more money on overhead rather than just attempting to grow revenue. This is why so many independent business owners (IBOs) depart because they are unable to generate revenue and/or sponsor downline. There appears to be relatively little profit generated by IBOs despite the extensive training, equipment, and seminars available.

What most people don't realise is that the Amway company itself is nothing more than a front for the true business. Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) unwittingly attract prospects into Amway under the impression that they may make a fortune in Amway. As a result of their sales of monthly subscriptions for voicemail, books, audio, and meetings and seminars, they have amassed a sizable fortune. The diamonds also host a "big" function every quarter, when they might earn hundreds of thousands of dollars in a single weekend, potentially generating hundreds of thousands of dollars. Some diamonds, I believe, make significantly more money from the tools and functions than they do from Amway. A diamond is a once-in-a-lifetime achievement, thus someone may qualify for a diamond for 6 months and then never qualify again, while still earning a good living from speaking honoraria and selling other tools. In the end, the tools business is the most important business. The Amway company serves as a "front" to conceal the true nature of the company, much like the Italian restaurant serves as a front for the mob. The restaurant operates as a legitimate business, which aids in the concealment of illicit conduct. The Amway bait and switch fraud is exactly what it sounds like, my friends.

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