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Friday, August 13, 2021

But My Upline Diamond Is Rich!

 Amway IBOS is faced with a serious question. What would you do if you didn't know? Is it possible to view tax reports or bank balances on your diamond? Otherwise, do you simply assume that the diamond is wealthy because they are on stage yelling and flashing photographs of expensive automobiles and high-end jewellery? I can perform the same thing when dressed in a suit and standing on stage. However, for some reason, IBOS just blindly believe because they want to believe, regardless of the evidence. They must believe that 2-5 years of hard effort can result in enormous wealth and the ability to retire at a young age.

There would be no compelling motivation for anyone to join Amway if it were not for the optimism that the diamond dream delivers. Who would desire to peddle household items at high costs if the end goal was not to receive a substantial compensation in the process? A lot of people didn't have faith in their own abilities to accomplish things similar to those of the diamond. Having been an IBO in the past, there is no way I would consider joining again if the goal was to live a middle-class lifestyle. And it is at this point that the upline begins to play out the deception.

Joining Amway made me feel wealthy. It will take a few years of hard effort and dedication to complete. I, the diamond, know the secret to reaching success and diamond status, but you must subscribe to my system of audios and functions in order for me to teach you these secrets. The diamond continues to make money through the sale of audios and function tickets, while practically all of his downline is losing money as a result of the high costs associated with training that does not provide results.

This is a question I pose to IBOS and prospects who believe their upline diamond is a treasure trove of unimaginable riches. What makes you think you'd know something like that?

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