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Friday, August 13, 2021

Amway and Lawsuits?

 Someone recently commented on this site on how Amway apologists would frequently threaten to sue those who were critical of the company. It is true, and I have been threatened and hounded by passionate Amway defenders in the past because they claimed that I was harming their business or that a prospect had seen my blog and opted against joining. That made me laugh out loud. It is impossible for Amway zealots to sue a critic because of the following reasons:

Because of the discovery process, they would almost certainly be laughed out of court, or their case would be so weak that the courts would dismiss it out of hand. On this site, I am solely sharing my personal experiences as well as my well-informed thoughts. I have the right to free expression, just as everyone else who has an opinion about Amway, whether positive or negative, does. Furthermore, some of the facts I cite come from, so what exactly is there to argue about? As previously said, the majority of IBOs do little or nothing, which brings me to my next argument.

How would one go about proving damages in a situation where the vast majority of IBOs do nothing? How might a loss of zero prospective business result in losses? Aside from that, the majority of prospects do not sign up, but this is for a variety of reasons other than some Amway-related blog. Many people are aware of others who have had negative experiences, and word of mouth advertising is extremely effective. How about Amway's statistics, which show that only a tiny fraction of 1 percent of its members achieve levels that are potentially profitable?

Just think about how many IBIs have come and gone from this same blog, yelling their heads off about going diamond and then disappearing without a trace shortly afterwards? Joecool is still posting articles so that those interested in Amway information can get a different perspective from persons who have participated in Amway, achieved some level of success, and then been let down by upline claims of success. I stand to gain nothing by maintaining this site, and I receive no pay for doing so. It is something I do as a public service.

Commentaries are always welcome!

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