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Friday, August 13, 2021

The Greatest Showman?

 Because I'm still at home a lot because of covid 19, I've been spending a lot of time watching television and movies. I just attended a performance of The Greatest Showman. I saw it in the theatre, but I went back to see it again, and the title of the film was what prompted me to create this blog entry. Even if the film itself isn't directly relevant to this piece, the title certainly is. And, in actuality, diamonds are the best performers on the stage.

In 2-5 years, they can easily change a five-and-dime soap/vitamin business into a multimillion-dollar enterprise that they can quickly transform into lifelong unfathomable wealth, while simultaneously underlining that it is not a get rich quick gimmick. Taking a step back and considering the facts, nearly no business, let alone an Amway firm, will be able to provide you with lifetime wealth in 2-5 years, if at all. The main business of the diamonds is the sale of a limitless supply of audios, books, functions, and voicemail messages to customers. For as long as they are able to attend and speak at functions, that is where the diamonds will derive their everlasting stream of income, in my informed judgement. Yes, it is not a 9-5 job, but they are required to be someplace at a specific hour in order to be paid.

The fact that diamonds have been able to continue to repeat this trick for decades distinguishes them as excellent performers. As an IBO myself, I was taken in for a while, but after a few months, I realised what was going on. Due to the fact that I was a rising star who was given "special" access to the diamond, I didn't notice it immediately away. Soon after, my upline made a concerted effort to suck every last drop of life out of me, and I snapped out of my Amway trance and left. Because I had reached the 4000 PV mark, I was considered to be above average in the business. However, in retrospect, I see that the activities were merely a dog and pony show intended to persuade and motivate IBOS and recruits to attend.

The diamonds are now making even more money since they are charging the full price for an online function that they provide. The greatest showman of all time, without a doubt.

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