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Friday, August 13, 2021

The Standing Ovation?

 One of the strangest things I saw among Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOS) is how they revere the diamond as if he were some kind of divine figure. When you take a logical look at it, what has the diamond done to earn such adoration is unclear. The diamond qualified for the pin only once, and it is possible that it qualified for the pin only once. Joecool was a 4000 pin, to say the least. Does this imply that new IBOS should seek advice from me because I have attained a high degree of success? Even if I don't have the necessary qualifications right now?

The fact that Amway does not specify which diamonds are still qualifying means that no one is truly aware of the situation. And it is for this reason that previous copies of bonus checks are used as evidence of success. A current copy of a check would be preferable, but it would still not provide any information about the kind of expenses that diamond incurred.

A good example would be my WWDB upline diamond, who was most likely a diamond in the 1980s when he qualified. There was no internet back then, and the corporate environment was considerably different from what it is today. Even if that diamond declared bankruptcy in 2009 or such, it is still regarded as having great financial acumen by the general public. But on the basis of what prior experience?

For some reason, viewers automatically think that the diamond is successful and affluent, despite the fact that they are unaware of the financial situation of these leaders. For all we know, these gems are paying mortgages and accumulating debt, just like the rest of the United States' population does. Why should it be any different when these jewels demonstrate a lavish lifestyle and even urge IBOS to incur debt in order to purchase tools and function tickets? If you inquire about the validity of their financial claims, you will be informed that it is none of your concern.

If the financials of your diamond are none of your concern, then you should not regard outward shows of money to be any type of indication of achievement. It's more likely that diamond goes from paycheck to paycheck, just like the majority of the rest of the population. Is there any other logical conclusion?

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