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Friday, August 13, 2021

Amway Upline Lies?

 During meetings, one of the things my upline used to say was that they (the upline) don't make any money until you (the downline) make money. Occasionally, they would claim that they only make pennies when you make dollars. Of course, we all know it is a complete and utter fabrication in the majority of cases because once you register (many groups provide a startup kit that includes products), your upline earns money. When you purchase a CD, a book, or pay to attend a function, your upline earns a little commission on your purchases as well. In order for IBOs and prospects to be successful, they must be aware that upline makes more money from tools than from items. Consider this: the profit margin on the tools is bigger than that on the Amway products, and there are fewer people who share in the earnings from the tools.

Prospects will be enticed into Amway by giving them the best-case scenario of becoming a diamond or higher level member, as well as all of the supposed trappings accessible at the diamond level, such as homes and beautiful automobiles, according to the appearance of most uplines. Following their first success in getting prospects enthusiastic about the notion of not working while money is rolling in, they market their "foolproof" system of voicemail, CDs, cassettes, books and seminars. Despite the fact that it is extremely rare for any IBO to reach a level where they can make a profit, let alone buy a mansion, the upline will persuade you that these objectives can only be achieved through the system's instruction. Unfortunately, it is the high cost of the educational system that causes the majority of IBOs to incur net losses.

The unfortunate reality is that your upline earns money whether you succeed, fail, or do nothing, as long as you continue to purchase equipment from them on a regular basis. You may, on the other hand, feel edified for your dedication as an IBO. It is for this reason that you may be told that you are the most important person to be at the gathering or meeting on time. If you have no prospects, there is really no purpose in attending an open meeting because your business will not develop as a result of your presence, and your attendance will cost you both time and money. According to my sponsor, it was necessary to go in order to demonstrate support to those who had brought visitors. That, however, is a load of BS. Your ability to succeed in business is determined by your income and expenses. Why would you incur expenses that will not assist your company? Regardless of what your sponsor or upline may tell you, it just makes sense to do so.

If you, as an IBO or as a prospect, pay close attention, you will notice that there are numerous activities that will cost you time and money while doing nothing to increase the volume of your business in any way. Reading a book, for example, may be beneficial to your health, but it is not a revenue-generating activity. Another good example is attending an open meeting where there are no prospects. Another example is paying attention to the standing order. An IBO is wasting resources by engaging in all of these activities and receiving no return on his or her investment. Simply put, attending a business gathering out of town where your expenses are high and your firm is left unattended at home with no growth in downline or in product volume is the worst investment you can possibly make. A wise business owner must distinguish between what generates revenue and what consumes resources, and then make decisions in accordance with that distinction.

Don't fall for the deception. Your upline earns money from you when you purchase tools, regardless of how much or how little work you put in.

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