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Friday, August 13, 2021

Critics Of Amway?

 Many businesses have their detractors. This is something that Amway's defenders are quick to point out. WalMart may have harmed small businesses, and it is possible that they are not receiving the best recompense. It's possible that Microsoft has broken software or anything. Though amusing, I don't see WalMart or Microsoft employees posting on blogs and labelling their detractors as losers or otherwise engaging in a cyberbullying fashion. It appears that these larger corporations simply perform their jobs and dismiss criticism, despite the fact that these corporations are extremely profitable.

Corporate Amway Global has a number of blogs, the majority of which are devoted to Amway and Amway-related news, workers, and other such topics.

However, a number of independent business owners (IBOs) have taken it upon themselves to defend Amway. It has occasionally been carried out in a less than ethical manner. To give an example, Amway's most successful champion, IBOFightback, has been referred to as a cyber bully by more than one website and has more blogs about Amway than the company itself. His motivation for defending Amway so vehemently remains a mystery, given that he has stated that he receives no compensation from Amway, Alticor, or any other motivational organisations. He has stated that he is not even actively involved in the development of a firm, and as a result, he is not receiving any significant remuneration under the Amway compensation plan.

What makes this particularly intriguing is the strategy that IBOfightback and many of his fellow IBOs are employing to combat the situation. When someone criticises them, they will attack their credibility or attempt to discredit them by claiming that their experience is invalid or that their experience is too old to be considered, even though IBOFightback himself (supposedly) hasn't done much in the Amway industry since 1998. When opponents point out that Amway or product schemes such as ideal water are based on outright lies, defenders become enraged and resort to slanderous accusations. It appears that IBOs are their own worst enemies, as they are found to be responsible of the majority of the criticisms levelled at them.

Many Independent Business Owners (IBOs) defend Amway, in my opinion, because their upline leaders misled them into believing that facts don't matter, that the dream is still alive, and that success is only around the corner, according to my research. Many IBOs receive their $9 bonus checks, and they feel the need to defend themselves in order to claim success and keep their hopes alive that they will walk the stage as a new diamond alive and well. To fail to defend their IBO brothers and sisters is to acknowledge defeat. It is for this reason that much discussion here is focused on how independent business owners (IBOs) analyse their businesses and track profits and expenses. The fact that IBOs are losing money while professing to be successful is nothing more than a way of rationalising their mediocrity and failure.

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