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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Amway: Failure By Design?

 It's no secret that Amway businesses are notoriously difficult to succeed in. The diamonds will claim that they didn't try hard enough, or that they didn't follow directions correctly, or that they made up additional reasons to blame the victims. It's unfortunate since many IBOs are dedicated and determined individuals, but when everything is set up for failure, it's a recipe for disaster. That's exactly what you'll get.

Amway is a company that is built to fail. Please allow me to clarify. The products sold by Amway are generic in nature. Some of the goods are good, while others are bad, but Amway items are nothing spectacular in general, despite their high price. Who wants to pay top dollar for generic natural products? Worse yet, how do you charge premium pricing for generically designed products?

If that wasn't enough, the diamonds take advantage of their subordinates by selling them an unending supply of training. Now, training would be fine if it were effective, but according to Amway's own disclosures, just a fraction of one percent of its distributors ever attain platinum status. Platinum, on the other hand, is supposed to be the level at which you start making real money.

When you combine all of these disadvantages with a business potential with a negative reputation, you have an opportunity that is like to swim the English Channel while wearing an anchor around your neck. The fact that the con has been going on for so long astounds me. I'm delighted I've been able to keep maintaining this blog in order to present knowledge and my personal experiences so that prospects can make educated judgments about whether or not to join Amway.

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