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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

The Churn?

How the upline diamonds generate their money is something that many Amway members and prospects are absolutely unaware of. They are informed that they may make money by acquiring their own Amway items and convincing others to imitate or do the same. While the diamonds' credentials may be preserved as a result of this, the actual money is made in the sale of tools and functions.

The profit margins on tools and functions are higher than on Amway items, and because rank and file IBOs are not part of the reward scheme, the earnings go completely to the diamonds and higher ups. A function, for example, may probably be performed for a few dollars per head, yet the diamonds demand more than a hundred dollars for these functions. Even virtual functions are still being executed at full price, according to what I've heard. This demonstrates the upline's avarice once again.

It's no secret that most IBOs in Amway don't last a year, owing to the futility of creating an Amway business, as well as the financial losses that come with it. As a result, the diamonds must take advantage of what is known as "the churn." Simply said, you bring individuals into Amway and connect them to the tools and services that the company offers. As a result, the diamonds benefit till these newcomers give up. Meanwhile, the focus is on continuing to hire new employees to replace those who have left.

Consider the following scenario. If diamonds continued to emerge from the system, they would be one share holder in the tool and function profits, but if a diamond can just keep replacing quitters, the earnings from tools and functions would remain completely in their wallets, and no one will be the wiser. Sure, they need a fresh diamond now and then to prove that the system works, but Amway's general success record is dismal at best.

So, if you're considering joining Amway or are already an IBO, re-read this page and attempt to think about it with an open mind. Then you'll be able to see right through the upline diamonds' smoke and mirrors.

p.s. Election Day is rapidly approaching. Please cast your ballot!

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