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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

My Upline Cares About Me?

Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) frequently assume that their upline loves and cares about them. I assume they'll be concerned about you as long as you keep delivering month after month. However, if you miss a few meetings or functions, you'll be surprised at how much love and care they demonstrate. Someone who misses meetings and gatherings, according to my diamond, has failed to satisfy their obligations and is hence liable for the friendship's demise.

Your upline is, in essence, a conditional friend. They will befriend you if you help them pay for their diamond lifestyle by attending all of their functions and purchasing their educational materials. Friends, on the other hand, tend to congregate in the same places. Do you want to spend time with the diamond, or do you have to earn it by competing in a contest to see who can sell or consume the most products and/or tools? I recall a function for IBOs with 1000 PV or above that one individual and his wife attended despite the fact that they had no down line. They had purchased 1000 PV worth of Amway merchandise in order to attend.

As you can undoubtedly see, the connection between the Amway upline and downline is akin to unrequited love. One person will go to great lengths to gain someone's attention and/or affections, but the other person will not reciprocate since they are uninterested. They will occasionally toss you a crumb if you continue to acquire tools and functions faithfully, but they will not blink an eye if you go missing. When you're no longer around, they can call you a quitter or a loser.

In the meantime, throngs of people arrive and depart. Because the system is inefficient and necessitates the churn of new people coming and going because there are so few people who stay for more than a few months or years, there is little true success to speak of. And it's understandable given the fact that the great majority of IBOs lose money. Your upline simply throws you some platitudes in an attempt to keep you motivated, knowing full well that they were sustained by big groups of loyal but unsuccessful IBOs.

Do you disagree with me? Examine your income and expense statement now. Congratulations if you claim to have made a profit; you are in the upper echelon.

Amway IBOs who generate a profit account for less than 1% of all Amway IBOs. The remainder lose money until they wake up from their Amway stupor and decide to leave.

Actually, Joe Cool, IBO and Diamond's connection isn't at all like unrequited love. It's more akin to the interaction between a paying customer and a prostitute.

She will be pleasant, loving, and compliant as long as the client keeps paying the prostitute. Of course, it's all a ruse, but the customer doesn't seem to mind as long as he's getting his sexual fix. The success of the prostitute's job is heavily reliant on her ability to keep her customers satisfied so that they will return to see her.

The IBO is like a client who pays money to a prostitute (his Diamond) in the hopes of receiving financial gain. To keep the IBO on the hook, the Diamond acts as if he likes him. The IBO never feels truly satisfied, and if he stops paying, the Diamond will lose his friendliness.

The major distinction is that in a client-prostitute relationship, both parties get what they want. He receives the sex, while she receives the funds. However, in the Amway partnership, the IBO almost never receives the financial gratification that he has been promised, whereas the Diamond is ALWAYS paid.

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