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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

What's the Deal With Amway?

Hundreds of millions, if not billions, of people must have tried and failed to develop an Amway business since the company's beginnings. Many of these people worked extremely hard and were very motivated, but they still fell short. But why do so many Amway distributors fail to make a profit? Surely, such a colossal enterprise would be more successful?

I will argue that the Amway business model is broken, and that people fail by design as a result of how the system is set up. The company's terrible reputation has been tarnished, and with good reason. The items are generic in nature, yet they come at a premium price. It's excellent for Amway's shareholders, but it's not so wonderful for IBOS trying to make a living. Rather than true clients with a need, it appears that the majority of purchasers are sympathetic family and friends.

Second, the system and diamonds relentlessly drain resources from IBOS by selling them an infinite supply of audios, functions, books, and other tolls that are ostensibly the key to success but are, in reality, the diamonds' cash cow. The IBOS are a diamond-rich captive audience to be exploited. Sayings like "tools are optional, but success is not" apply subtle pressure. My upline told me that so and so diamond is a multi-millionaire who believes that tools and functions are important, but if you want to go it alone, go ahead. It may appear that avoiding tools is irrational, but when you consider the results and efficacy, you'll find that tools are a complete failure that just serves to line the pockets of diamonds.

To conclude, trying to market essentially unsellable products while simultaneously draining IBOs' funds by convincing them that the good life is just around the corner if they subscribe to tools and stay in Amway. Because of the system, many people incur debts, and others accrue large debts. Finally, Amway is nothing more than a giant money-making enterprise that uplines operate under the pretext of being advisors or mentors to their downlines right under their eyes. That is the element that many people are blind to.

Ask yourself critical questions about your own business, IBOS and prospects, and keep a close eye on your bottom line every week and month. If there isn't any profit, consider why you joined Amway in the first place if it wasn't to make money.

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