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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

What’s Better Than Amway?

 One of the more ridiculous questions I receive from IBOs is what is better, considering I believe Amway is a terrible method to generate money. Actually, if people made money with Amway, I wouldn't have anything to say against it. However, it is a truth that the vast majority of people in Amway either make no money or lose money. The tools and functions are usually the cause of losses.

So, which of the two is preferable? Staying at home and doing nothing is preferable since you will not be wasting your time and money chasing an opportunity that will almost certainly result in a loss. It's better to stay at home and watch "The Simpsons," since you'll be entertained. But, seriously, if you're looking for a way to supplement your income, this is not the way to go. What options are available to you?

Part-time jobs are available. You certainly can. Some of the additional cash should be put to good use, and some should be put to good use as well. This is the path I took when I was younger, and it has now paid off handsomely. Start a legitimate company that specialises in anything like flooring installation or security doors. Although some talent is required, these can be done part-time and produce good results.

You may also buy and sell items such as used vehicles by flipping them. Purchase one for a low price, fix it up aesthetically, and then resell if you make a profit. Alternatively, discover a niche market in which you can offer insurance or burial plots on a part-time basis. These are legitimate methods for earning additional funds. Finally, you must make your own decision, but I can assure you that practically anything you do will be more profitable than working with Amway.

If you choose to pursue something, I wish you the best of luck.

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