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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Amway Saves Marriages?

 Looking back, one of the very ridiculous things diamonds taught was that Amway helps marriages. Of course, I'm sure they didn't survey the rank and file IBOs who may have divorced, some of whom may have done so as a result of Amway. Lack of funds is a common source of stress in marriages, therefore the monthly negative cashflow for most “serious” IBOs may have a significant impact on the health of a marriage.

The diamonds would argue that working together in business strengthens a marriage, and although this may be true to some extent, I feel that business and associated pursuits are damaging to relationships in general. You must also account for social activities that are missed as a result of your commitment to the Amway business, such as birthday parties, barbecues with friends, and so on.

I also overheard a diamond claim that Amway IBOs had a 2% divorce rate, whereas the rest of the population had a divorce rate of more than 50%. Of course, that is just nonsense. I can think of a few jewels from our own LOS - line of sponsorship - that have been divorced. Wolgamott, Danzik, Kosage, and Brooks are the names of the characters in Wolgamott, Danzik, Kosage, and Brooks Given that there aren't 200 US WWDB diamonds that I'm aware of, the divorce rate can't be less than 2%, and there are certainly other pins who have divorced as well.

I generally wouldn't care because people divorce in this day and age, but because the diamonds make a big deal out of it, I though I'd point out the hypocrisy. This does not include divorces filed using the WWDB rank and file system. I'm familiar of a few others, but I won't name them here.

No, Amway does not save marriages, and if your upline attempts to sell you on it, don't believe them.

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