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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Fake It Till You Make It?

As an IBO, one of the most amusing things I heard was to "fake it till you make it." The upline implied that we were to appear successful because, if we didn't quit, we would eventually be successful. What it truly meant was lying and misrepresenting the Amway business to provide the impression of success when you weren't.

As an example, you might attend an Amway meeting or party where everyone is dressed up in business clothes, giving the impression of success, but if you arrive early, you'll notice IBOs arriving in ancient clunkers, some of which appear to be on their last legs. However, it's incredible that the dreams they were sold were enough to fuel their drive to create Amway.

Sort and file the information. Due to the fact that IBOs have little to no credibility, the upline will frequently offer a photocopy of a hefty bonus check that someone may have gotten. The cheque is no guarantee of success, and the individual who receives it may or may not have made a net profit, but it all fits into the fake it until you make it storey.

The unfortunate reality is that almost all IBOs will try but never succeed. At best, the math underpinning Amway's success is abysmal. The typical 6-4-2 plan depicts a group of 79 IBOs who have all moved 100 PV (which is impossible), with one guy at 7500 PV and the rest at lower levels. Amway's own disclosures, as far as I can tell, suggest that. About 1 in 400 IBOs, or 26%, achieve platinum status.

At the end of the day, it's all about you. You can pretend to be someone else, but you won't be able to pull it off. A few people do manage to attain diamond despite practically impossible odds every now and then, but the number of diamond achievers is statistically negligible. If you've read this and are still considering joining Amway, I wish you the best of luck.

"Fake it till you make it" is a term that has been used in a variety of situations to urge individuals to act as if they already possess the characteristics or talents that they aim to possess. This can be accomplished by acting as if one already possesses the quality or ability in question. This term has been utilized by certain distributors in the Amway industry as a method to improve their perceived success, even if their actual results are inadequate. Despite this, the phrase continues to be used.

The expression "fake it till you make it" refers to the strategy of creating an impression of success and self-assurance in order to increase the likelihood that others will follow your lead or conduct business with you. For instance, an Amway distributor may rent a luxury car, wear costly clothing, or take elaborate trips in order to give the idea that they are wealthy and successful, even if they have not yet made large earnings from their Amway business. This can be done even if the distributor is still in the beginning stages of building their Amway business.

However, despite the fact that this strategy may on occasion be fruitful in terms of bringing in new clients or members of one's downline, it also carries with it the potential for loss. If a distributor spends more money than they can afford to maintain this facade, it can lead to financial issues and undermine their credibility with their team. If a distributor spends more money than they can afford to maintain this facade, it can lead to financial problems. In addition, if the Amway distributor does not have actual knowledge of the Amway products or business plan, it may be difficult for them to keep clients and establish a business that is financially sustainable.

In addition, the idea that "fake it till you make it" might be seen as immoral or manipulative by certain individuals. It has the potential to give people unrealistic expectations and lead them to believe that being successful in the Amway company is simple or inevitable. When new customers or distributors become aware of the realities of the business, this can set them up for feelings of disappointment and disillusionment.

The ultimate factors that determine whether or not an Amway business will be successful are the owner's level of dedication, level of knowledge, and the authenticity of their relationships with both customers and downline members. It is crucial to stay genuine and honest about one's true outcomes and capabilities, even though it may be beneficial to project a favorable image and demonstrate confidence.

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