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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Where’s The Wealth?

Amway diamonds like demonstrating the diamond lifestyle. But, what exactly is the diamond way of life? It's essentially a display of excessive affluence. They are said to travel in first class and stay in five-star hotels all over the world. They allegedly dress in fashionable clothes and spend all of their money on fancy vehicles and residences. They come and go as they like, and they only work for their down line because they care about them.

At least, that's the tale they want you to believe when you're at a meeting or a social gathering. There are some poor saps in the audience who are so desperate for it that they are crying. It surely motivates you to put in more effort and get your company growing and exciting.

I hate to break it to IBOs and prospects, but I seriously doubt that any diamond lives like that unless they are in debt to the point of bankruptcy. Showing you a middle-class lifestyle, on the other hand, wouldn't be nearly as fascinating. What evidence do I have that this is true? It's as simple as that; simply add and subtract.

An average diamond used to earn around $150k per year, but today a Q12 diamond earns $600k per year, according to Amway. A Q12 diamond, on the other hand, is extremely uncommon, accounting for only a minuscule percentage of all diamonds produced. As a result, the average diamond makes roughly $150k per year in addition to revenues from tools and functions. Even if they make an additional $100k from tools and functions, they will have a total income of around $250,000.

That's a good income if the diamond is currently qualified, though Amway doesn't specify who is and who isn't. If they are qualified, taxes, medical insurance, and other charges, as well as business expenditures, are likely to consume more than half of their earnings.

Let's imagine a diamond earns $10,000 a month after all of the expenditures I listed, and trust me when I say I'm being nice. You can't purchase a house in cash on that income, therefore you'll almost certainly have a mortgage. If a person pays $3000 every month for a mortgage, they will have $7000 left over at the end of the year. A sports automobile is not something you purchase with cash.

If the children attend a private school, additional money is lost. How much would you spend on a wonderful trip if you were only allowed to fly in first class and stay in five-star hotels? A diamond, in my opinion, has a middle-class existence. I believe that some of the higher-ranking pins, such as crowns, live better than the rest of the diamonds, but if you knew the reality, the remainder of the diamonds' lifestyle would undoubtedly impress you.

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