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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Is It A Bait-and-Switch Situation?

Making a little more cash or having an additional source of income is one of the reasons why individuals start a business. It sounds like a fantastic idea, and it appears to make sense on the surface. Who doesn't want more money or a second source of income, after all? It's one of the ways that people are persuaded to join the Amway organization. Joining Amway as a way to make money or save money is a common offer. That makes great reasoning, except neither of those scenarios happen very often in Amway.

According to the pitch I saw, shopping with Amway saves you 30 percent. However, in comparison to what do you save 30%? Amway items are significantly more expensive than comparable Walmart or Target products. Upline will tell you that Amway items are premium at this point. Is this, however, the case? Is Amway a high-end company with high-end products? And, once more, what is this in comparison to? It's almost as though Amway's items are more expensive, but the product itself is generic. And that's only one aspect of the plan.

The following section discusses how Amway has little overhead, allowing you to make a quick profit. However, once you sign up, you will not receive any money. That's when upline shifts the story to how a genuine business doesn't see profits for up to 5 years and that in order to prosper, you need to invest in your business as well as educate yourself. You'll probably be informed that Amway is straightforward at first, but then you'll be informed that you need to invest and learn how to build your business afterward.

Upline will gradually get you committed, then raise the bar and your commitment level until you find yourself in debt, spinning your wheels, and falling far short of the degree of success that upline promises. It's like upline is playing a clever game of bait and switch on down line. However, it occurs gradually and deftly, to the point where most individuals are unaware that it is occurring to them. Be on the lookout for IBOs and prospects.

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