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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Avoid Negative?

 One of the reasons why Amway IBOs who are actively in the business begin to ignore their friends and family is because they are instructed to avoid negative people. They'll claim that your family and friends simply don't get Amway, and they'll finally wear you down with nasty comments and attitudes.

My sponsor once told me he had a "warm," which meant he had a cold but was complaining about it, so he dubbed it the opposite. Of course, you don't want to be surrounded by negativity, but avoiding your family and friends is one of the reasons why some people compare Amway to a cult.

You may even be advised to avoid watching the news or reading the newspaper because the news can be perceived as negative, and you should fill your mind with only positive information. As a result, you should avoid watching the news and instead listen to Amway audios and associate with Amway representatives. Who are intended to pull you up instead of bringing you down with their negativity?

To put it another way, your upline wants to make all of your decisions for you. As if you couldn't figure out what you needed to know on your own. Also, merely being fed positive information isn't helpful for anyone. Never feeling pain, for example, may appear to be a positive thing, but it can lead to death since you may suffer injuries or illnesses that would go unnoticed if you couldn't feel pain or discomfort.

At the end of the day, irony reigns supreme. If and when IBOs track their business expenses and analyse a profit loss statement, they will all suffer a great deal of financial hardship. The diamonds that sell tools and functions are the ones who make the most money with the Amway opportunity, as opposed to many others. Upline diamonds have come up with yet another ridiculous and useless piece of advice. It is my hope that by pointing things out, someone would be able to spot the hoax.

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