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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Amway IBOS In A Corona and Covid 19 World?

I'm curious as to how Amway Independent Business Owners are faring in the post-Covid 19 era. For the most part, Amway has been a one-on-one, one-on-one business. Social activities are restricted, and even meeting individuals in person is subject to guidelines such as a 6-foot separation between persons to prevent the virus from spreading. It's likely that it impacted IBOs' capacity to attract others. In fact, under these circumstances, how can you sell anything? Because Amway does not allow Independent Business Owners (IBOs) to promote their items on sites like eBay or Amazon, product sales must be a problem.

Of course, the diamonds do not want to lose money, so even in a business-friendly environment, some are charging full price for Zoom or other online meetings, while others have offered discounts, but the diamonds are still exploiting downlines, even when IBOs are unable to run their businesses as planned. Some things remain the same year after year.

I'm not sure, but I'm interested in learning more about the teaching's theme. If anyone has any other information, please share it in the comments section. However, how can you establish a person-to-person business in a society where direct interaction between individuals is often prohibited? Perhaps the diamonds are attempting to increase the number of audios and standing orders.

I'm curious as to what kind of recruitment pitch IBOs are now using. Several various concepts have been explored in the past, and I recall many of them. One of them was known as private franchising. The buy from yourself motif was another popular motif. Both were ineffective, but the IBOs miraculously stuck to their game plan. The IBOs follow the diamonds like mice after the pied piper as they drift from one theme to the next. Although the system tactics have never truly worked, the diamonds have been able to make some money by selling their failing Amway ways.

Covid appears to have hindered the Amway company, but the diamonds are still resourceful enough to exploit the down line, which is the main business of the Amway diamonds.

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