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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Watching The Simpsons?

One of the amusing things our upline taught us was that broke losers would be at home watching episodes of the Simpsons while the rest of us worked hard to establish our business and secure our futures. People's homes would emit a blue glow, indicating that they were watching television, which he would find amusing.

That would be great if Amway IBOs were actually generating money, but the truth is that practically every rank and file IBO was losing money due to Amway business expenses like standing orders, books, and functions. The IBOs were not only losing money, but they were also wasting their time. They, on the other hand, believed they were doing something nice and worthwhile.

The ultimate irony of it all is that folks who were sitting at home watching "The Simpsons" were better off because they were entertained and not losing money in a phoney enterprise created to extort money from rank and file distributors for the benefit of the diamonds. It's great that you're striving to safeguard your financial future, but losing money doesn't seem to provide much security, does it?

That is the element of Amway that is the most insidious. The diamonds want to convince you that anyone can join and become a diamond, but this is simply not the case. A big collection of IBOs with a platinum or direct distributor can be seen in the popular 6-4/2 plan or similar forms. That will continue to be the case. There's one guy at the top, and a lot of rank-and-file people underneath him.

The gems sell you on your aspirations, wants, and dreams because reality stinks. The bad news is that an IBO's engagement in the tools and activities only benefits the diamonds, who profit handsomely from your participation.

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