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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Never Ending?

 I've noticed that the stories concerning Amway's downfall never seem to end. Almost everyone has heard of someone who has had a bad experience with Amway. Most people only stay for a short time before quitting and moving on. However, many people devote their time, money, and effort only to be duped by their upline into continuing to engage in a money pit business.

Worse, the training never seems to finish, as if selling products and sponsoring people is so difficult. Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOS) believe they are investing in an Amway education, but in truth, they are subsidizing their upline's lifestyle. The Amway education is frequently likened to college, which is nonsense because college eventually ends and the graduate must seek employment.

The IBOS keep spinning their wheels, frequently to no avail, only to dig a deeper financial hole. Some people discover that after a year or two, they've spent thousands or tens of thousands of dollars attempting to stay the course and follow the advice. In the end, a huge group of Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) could lose a lot of money. Do the math: if a diamond group of 1000 downline members pays $250 per month on tools and functions, the diamond can earn $250,000. They might earn $150k or more after expenditures, with some of it being split with platinum and above.

But I just wanted to give you a sense of the scale of the fraud being perpetrated on the down line. When you think about it, it's frightening and can make you upset. The pernicious thing is that the diamonds make the down line believe they are assisting them. All I can say is that I hope prospects and IBOS keep looking for information. It's for this reason that Joecool hasn't given up blogging.

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