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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Investments Are Like Gambling?

The stock market was fundamentally gambling, according to one of the biggest loads of guano told by upline diamonds. As if buying stock in a good firm was the equivalent of betting on a hand of blackjack or the colour red or black on a roulette wheel spin. The diamonds are educating in an exceedingly harmful manner. I'm always curious if the diamonds themselves are invested in the stock market. Let's face it: for the ordinary middle-class person, investing at a young age can be a way to build long-term wealth.

Day trading, in my opinion, is a type of gambling since you are not allowing the stock or the company to recover from short-term setbacks and challenges. But allow me to provide you some food for thought regarding something I discovered in the late 1990s. When you read the headlines, it appeared like Bill Gates was getting wealthier and wealthy all the time. It wasn't because he was depositing funds in a bank. Microsoft stock was worth billions of dollars to him. After that epiphany, I purchased Microsoft stock and have yet to sell a share, despite the fact that I am now retired. The stock suffered some harm as a result of the Covid 19 hysteria, but it has subsequently rebounded satisfactorily.

Now, I'm not claiming to be wealthy as a result of that investment, but I do have a lovely small fortune as a result of it. I also own stock in other firms, but I'm not going to talk about them right now. I recall a tape made by a diamond named Dave Severn in which he minimised investing and claimed that a broker gave him a hot tip on a stock and he said something along the lines of (not precisely) "listen here Ace, I'll put up as much money as you are." As if stockbrokers aren't prepared to put their money into their own recommendations.

Let's take a look at the other side of the equation. Prospects and IBOS should spend money on tools and functions, according to Diamonds. I'd argue it's a far bigger risk, given that you can calculate from Amway's own data on their website that only around 1/4 of 1% of their members ever reach platinum, and only a small percentage of them achieve diamond. I'd be willing to bet that if you invest in most companies with a track record, you'll see good stock returns as well as dividends in many cases.

Smart investment isn't gambling, but I'd say that putting money into an Amway business and then purchasing into the tools and functions has a lower chance of turning a profit than a day in Vegas. Do you disagree with me? What are the names of the world's richest men? Are you familiar with Bill Gates? Jeff Bezoes, are you familiar with him? Do you know who Warren Buffet is? Amway was not where they made their money. Despite the fact that the Amway owners are billionaires, they are not Amway salespeople. They control the MLM firm, which can be lucrative when you have legions of distributors who work for commission only and have no benefits such as health insurance.

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