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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

The Cult Of Amway?

One thing that a neutral observer will notice is that Amway groups and leaders bear some resemblance to cults. The main difference is that you can come and go, but there is still peer pressure to stay in the group and not quit because quitting will earn you the label of a quitter, loser, or broke loser. Although the pressure isn't overt, it's there.

The jewels are lavished with praise. My first open meeting as a prospect was attended by the diamond, who was greeted like royalty and received a standing ovation as he entered the room. And his claim to fame? Getting to a certain level in Amway. True, becoming a diamond is a difficult task, but it is hardly deserving of the title of a rock star. Worshipping a leader, on the other hand, is a cult-like trait.

The IBOS are all fighting for the same thing. They're all looking for financial independence through the Amway business, and they're all hoping to achieve it in a short period of time. The IBOS are uniformly dressed in professional clothes, act in the same manner, and use many of the same products. They all fall into line and attempt to "earn time" with the leader. These are also cult-like characteristics; after all, who has to wear a suit to learn how to purchase, sell, and recruit others to join? The rank and file believe they are simply acting successfully because if they just keep going, they will eventually succeed.

However, in the end, the upline just takes advantage of their position to bully the downline. They persuade them that they require an infinite supply of training and Amway education via tools and functions in order to achieve their dreams of a better life. Diamonds, in my opinion, don't give a damn about the bottom line. They exist solely to be abused so that the diamonds can live the diamond lifestyle.

As a result, diamonds must charge full or virtually full price for zoom meetings and similar services, despite the fact that many IBOs are currently unable to start a business due to Covid 19. If you read this and decide to join Amway nevertheless, you can't say you weren't warned.

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