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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Amway Recruiting?

If you've ever worked for Amway or been in contact with Amway representatives, you're probably aware that the company's primary focus is on downline recruitment. I feel that many individuals are prospected and feel that you can make money by selling things, which is correct; however, because your upline makes more money by recruiting down line, that becomes the focus.

Amway items are primarily generic in nature but premium in price, making it difficult to sell anything to anyone other than supportive friends and families. This is why IBOs are frequently taught the popular "buy from yourself" notion, in which you consume largely things from your own company and encourage others to do the same. Some of my upline ingeniously referred to this as a Costco-style buyers club, but it is an incorrect comparison.

As a Costco member, I do not go out and attract other Costco members. Why does it happen in Amway when neither Costco nor Amway pays you to acquire new members? It's because IBOs understand that in order to reach higher levels like platinum or diamond, you need a lot of downline because you're credited for their volume as well as yours, which allows you to earn bigger incentives.

Where this strategy falls short is that Amway has a shady reputation, making recruiting and keeping downline a difficult task in and of itself. Another failing is that, according to Amway's own disclosures, over half of all registered IBOs do nothing. Then, among those who do engage in some form of action, the majority will quit in less than a year.

Even if you could sponsor a new downline every month, the chances of you making a net profit are next to none if you use the tools and services. Diamonds who pretend to be free and live in luxury with large sums of money are actually pretty busy replacing IBOs who depart in order to keep their levels up. They might miss out on bonuses if they don't, and the income from tools and functions would almost certainly disappear without fresh people joining the system.

Behind the scenes at Amway, it's all about recruitment and nothing else. Everything becomes quite clear if you grasp the concept.

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