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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Doomed To Failure?

It's no secret that the vast majority of IBOs experience a net business loss and eventually leave because they don't find a way to make a profit. But a legitimate issue, why so many IBOs fail? The answer is easy. The Amway company has too many handicaps and obstacles for people to overcome. While many Amway IBOs may be motivated and eager, they just cannot overcome stunning odds.

First off, Amway has a negative reputation. Many individuals are turned off by the name. Recruiting and attracting potential recruits is nearly impossible. And you can't develop a downline Amway empire. That's the aim of most starry-eyed Amway recruits, sponsoring as many down-lines as feasible. Sadly, most IBOs never sponsor one downline.

Another feature is that the upline diamond renders it off-line. Any support from the diamond has downline costs. Orders, functions, meetings, books, voice nails. This method drains funds from IBOS monthly, which is the most common reason IBOS has net losses in the firm. The system is extremely inefficient, which is seen in Amway's large quantities of failure.

But another important reason is that Amway items are simply generic with the "pepper" name on them. But Amway products arrive at premium costs as if they are product kinds designer. It's a tremendous handicap alone. Imagine trying to sell a Ford Escort as a Mercedes Benz? I guess it's plausible, but it supports the general idea that IBOs seem to consume their own products instead of selling to genuine customers.

For these and many more reasons I haven't touched on yet, Amway IBOS is doomed to failure. It's no surprise, predictable. More surprisingly, IBOS actually succeeds. LOL: LOL

Some people have made money with Amway by selling products to their friends and neighbours in the past.

In 1970, I recall Van Andel and DeVos making a big deal over a young man in Florida who hadn't yet reached the age of eighteen and hence couldn't legally sponsor a down-line. The young man, on the other hand, went door to door in his neighbourhood, selling Amway products and earning money.

This worked for two reasons: first, he lived in a small rural hamlet where few people were willing to travel great distances to shop; and second, he lived in a small rural town where few people were willing to travel long distances to shop. Second, many people were friendly to this child and his family, and he had developed a strong bond with his customers. As a result of his efforts, he was successful.

That was an ideal setup because the child just profited from his mark-up and didn't have to worry about building a down-line. As long as he had non-Amway retail customers, he was in good shape.

That style of doing business is now despised by the egotistical creeps in the various AMO subsystems. Outsiders will laugh in your face if you question them about retailing. You will be labelled as a moron if you actually try to promote Amway products. They exclaim, "It's all about RECRUITMENT!" Alternatively, they can tell you that all you have to do is eat one energy bar and drink one energy drink every day, and get others to do the same. Some upper-level pins state that they haven't touched an Amway product in years and rely solely on down-line PV and the sale of motivational "tools" to supplement their income.

Amway is a phoney corporation because of this. It's not about producing items to satisfy a demand. It's all about putting tens of thousands of individuals through a never-ending cycle of recruitment, waning enthusiasm, and failure.

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