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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Are you looking for a job with Amway?

 It's been really calm around here, and I haven't noticed much Amway activity either online or in person. It's a little wrong because Amway's lifeblood is recruiting an endless supply of new recruits to keep their business afloat in the face of high turnover.

Amway has run a variety of recruitment programs over the years. There was a concept called "purchase from yourself," in which you essentially bought your own items and enlisted the help of like-minded others. Of course, with few to no sales to actual clients, your income was reliant on downline purchases, and you were doomed to fail.

Another effort was private franchising, which attempted to mislead individuals into believing that Amway was a franchise opportunity with a higher chance of success if you simply followed the method. Another brilliant concept that never materialized.

If Amway were a real company, it would be a different story. You could set up shop and sell your wares to retailers. You may generate money by selling things that don't require any tools or functions. There may be a few people who have discovered a niche in which they can sell their items, but these stories are uncommon.

That leaves IBOS recruitment as their sole viable option for growing their business, but given that the majority of people who join accomplish little or nothing before resigning, this is another one in a million chance. The fact that the vast majority of people never sponsor a downline should also serve as a wake-up call.

If you decide to keep on after seeing this, good luck.

Looking back on my IBO days and reflecting on all the strange recruiting methods and how they evolved is amusing to me. It used to be about purchasing your own items and convincing others to do the same. That strategy appeared reasonable until you considered the store owner as their sole customer. It's just not going to work. Consider a tourism-based economy that isn't depending on tourists. The hotel will not be able to stay afloat if only their employees remain there.

I also recall the rumored name change from Amway to Quixtar, and how amusing it was when IBOs claimed Amway and Quixtar were two completely distinct companies. But it was amusing when you argued that joining up for Quixtar was the same as joining up for Amway and that you sold Amway products and received Amway bonuses. At the very least, it provided me with a few good laughs.

Then there was the e-commerce line, which sounded great until you realized that many IBOs were still contacting upline for things and picking them up manually. What a waste of resources. According to my understanding, organizations were hesitant to switch to dropshipping and online shopping since they may manipulate PV to maintain qualifications and/or assist particular groups in achieving levels. This was critical because annual bonuses account for the lion's share of diamond revenue.

I'm not sure whether the recruiting pitch has changed much, but I haven't been recruited for Amway in a long time, and I haven't been scouring social media for IBOs to converse with as much as I used to. Please feel free to leave any updated information in the comments if you have any.

Be careful and stay away from Covid 19!

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