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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

My Upline Is A Mentor?

One of the more amusing things Amway IBOs discuss is their upline's role as a mentor. It's amusing to me because a no mentor is someone who stands on a stage. A mentor develops a personal relationship with the individual they are assisting, and they are likely to spend a significant amount of time with them.

Another point that IBOs neglect is the fact that mentors do not charge their students for their assistance. This is just another BS line thrown on the die line by the upline diamonds to make themselves feel better. My time spent at gatherings or major meetings isn't even close to being comparable to mentorship. Even if you were fortunate enough to spend time with your upline diamond, you are still spending money on tools and functions. An IBO who was not serious enough to invest in tools and functions would never be given time by a diamond.

I'm interested in what specifics a diamond would teach a dice line, because the things that IBOs repeat seem absurd and out of the left field, to put it that way. I got into a discussion with an IBO who said that the facts don't matter because he has a big dream. Another IBO said to me that even if he buys from himself, he still makes money since he charges himself full retail price for things, therefore he makes money. Moving money from your savings account to your company account, as I previously stated, is not actual profit. Not to mention the fact that the money you transferred from one account to another is now taxed.

The diamond's major theme will always be to get you to participate in the tools and functions so that they can profit from you, and then, due to the sunken cost fallacy, some IBOs may not want to quit despite losing money month after month because you've already invested in the business.

The fact remains that a diamond's connection with an IBO is not one of mentorship and studentship. The upline is more akin to a salaried consultant who, unfortunately, produces poor outcomes. This is unquestionably true.

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