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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Amway Has Low Overhead?

 Low overhead (essentially, company expenditures) and the chance to generate rapid profits were two of the selling elements for the Amway business. Is this, however, accurate or is it simply another deception told by the diamonds? Basically, when you're sold on Amway, you're told that you can earn money by selling things and that you can save money by purchasing from yourself.

Then Amway makes sense because you specified little or no overhead costs. But it's all just a gimmick since the upline diamond will sell you overhead after that. To put it another way, they'll persuade you that buying tools and functions is absolutely necessary. When I questioned this as a possibility, I was informed that so and so the diamond was a multi-millionaire who believes that tools are as important as breathing oxygen, but that I was free to do it alone and achieve where no one else had (without tools).

This is a complete falsehood because the tools are your principal business cost, or overhead, in the Amway operation. Even if you sell a few things to real consumers for a profit, you'll almost certainly end up with a net loss because the continued usage of tools and functions might be costly over time. Many former IBOs have stated that if you stay committed to the system and the instruction, you can lose thousands of dollars in a matter of months, if not more.

Now, if the system was consistently producing success stories, the expense of tools and functions would be justified. Diamonds will show you samples of new platinum or another pin to attempt to upsell you, but they will not indicate that a number of other major pins may have failed to requalify for their current price levels. If you look at Amway's revenues over the previous several years, you'll notice that they've been flat or declining, indicating that the company hasn't been expanding.

So, what does all of this imply? Simply said, if you join Amway and engage in the system of tools and functions, it is quite likely, if not certain, that you will experience a net loss of money. I can only guess that state or municipal limitations are hindering the ability to recruit downline or approach people to sell items with Covid 19. If you read this and still decide to join, I wish you the best of luck.

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