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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Do As I Say?

When I was an IBO, I remembered so many issues brought up by upline that looked completely hypocritical, but I assume most downline just ignore it and give the diamonds a pass. One noticeable difference was that the catalogue advertised suits and apparel, whereas the diamonds wore fancy suits to flaunt their wealth. One thing to keep in mind is that many, if not all, affluent people are unconcerned with flaunting their fortune.

The gems didn't always seem to listen to their own advise when it came to staying out of debt. If I clearly heard the same diamonds declare that it was fine to accumulate debt as long as I invested in more tools and functions, I would believe them. This is just blatant conflict of interest counsel from diamonds, in my opinion. These are the people who are claimed to be extremely affluent and only aid their family members out of love.

However, closer examination reveals that any "job" diamonds do earns them money. Meetings in the open, audios, functions, books, and voice mail are all options. The diamonds profit from each of these "training" items, and they promote training as a means of achieving success. Tools and functions, unfortunately, haven't had much success. There are only unfulfilled hopes and dreams.

The diamonds rely on unwavering devotion to generate a large portion of their income, and regrettably, far too many downlines blindly believe the upline.

My recommendation to IBOs and prospects is to read the Amway disclosures carefully, which show typical salaries and success rates. I haven't looked in a while, but the last time I checked, around one-fourth of one percent of IBOS, or approximately one in 400, made it to platinum. And only a small percentage of that ever made it to diamond.

Why would a serious prospect be interested in such a dreadful opportunity?

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