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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Never Ever Quit?

Amway IBOS should never quit is one of the battle cries used by upline. They'll convince you that success is just around the corner, and they'll tell you about how a (now) diamond was on the edge of quitting Amway, but chose against it and went on to achieve diamond status. They might even tell you about how a great athlete like Michael Jordan would never give up and would eventually triumph because he never gave up when things got tough.

However, this is a business meeting, not a basketball game. The diamond most likely did not examine the financial position of the IBOs he or she is urging to continue. As a result, even if these IBOS have little possibility of making a profit, they are encouraged to keep going because the diamonds seem to enjoy giving self-serving advice. As a result, IBOS continues to operate and invest in new tools and capabilities. And it's for this reason that diamonds are most likely encouraging you to keep going. They profit handsomely from your consumption of Amway products, as well as from your purchases of tools and functions.

They may claim to want your success, but it's all bluster. Consider the following scenario. You may eventually reach a point where the diamond must cut you in on the tool and function profits if you achieve a higher degree. It is preferable for the diamonds to simply replace those who have resigned with new hires. Profits from tools and functions will continue to flow in this fashion. That is why they will instil in the populace the importance of never giving up. The longer they stay, the more money is made from the tool. I believe that Covid 19 has hampered the IBO's capacity to recruit new members and that the diamonds are currently suffering financially as a result.

So, while IBOS believe the diamonds are motivating them to achieve greater heights, what they are really doing is luring IBOs to keep their stock around long enough for them to profit from it. As a result, this counsel is delivered without any consideration for the IBO's particular business. The truth is that quitting Amway is sometimes the smartest and greatest decision you can make. It does not imply that you have abandoned your efforts to earn more money in order to live a better life. It just indicates that you should consider other, more efficient ways to achieve your goals.

The phrase "quitter" or "loser" is just a form of peer pressure used to persuade people to continue in the business. Those that stay in the business despite a constant record of net business losses month after month, which includes the vast majority of Amway IBOS who participate in tools and functions, are the true losers.

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