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Saturday, September 11, 2021

A Room Full of Winners!

 Each person in attendance at the Amway meetings I attended was continuously reminded that they were a "winner," which was a form of brainwashing. Simply by showing up, you are a winner! I was in the midst of a room full of winners! Wow!


According to Amway's definitions What a relief to discover that I had been under the mistaken assumption that a winner was someone who truly won anything all along. Based on my definition, I'm willing to gamble that I was the most likely the largest winner in the room. What was my first prize? A cake in the middle of a cakewalk! I've won a slew of modest things in raffles, radio and television contests, and other events, including books, concert tickets, and Starbucks gift cards. Over the years, I've participated in radio contests and won cash prizes, some of which were in the thousands of dollars. A handful of vacations have been won by me from business Christmas parties when the prizes were either purchased or obtained from an airline through a prize donation programme.

What is it about me that I never seem to win the lottery for those million-dollar homes???!!!!

With regard to winning, I believe I have a more successful track record than the other members of the group. My earnings from contests have surpassed my earnings from Amway by a wide margin. With no financial investment. It's only a matter of time. Not even 10 to 15 hours a week, let alone more!

Each and every other person in the room is a "winner" simply by virtue of the fact that they showed up to the 8pm warrior meeting in a business suit.

Oh, I see what you mean! The winner is the person who attracts the most number of prospects! The prize is the Platinum's ardent adoration, which is the ultimate prize.

That can't possibly be correct. The victors in this room were rarely accompanied by future prospects. There is no fawning fondness for any of them. Instead, everyone found themselves on the receiving end of the Platinum's disdainful gaze.

Who are the true winners? There are those among us who said, "Fuck you." “I'm getting out of here.”

What happened to those group of "winners" from the previous night? What do you think they're doing right now: winning or losing?

Even after winning, some of those winners are still struggling, losing money and losing their downline in the process. Following in the footsteps of the other winners, they screamed "fuck you."

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