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Saturday, September 11, 2021

Another Wife's Amway Horror Story

 As an example, here is a post I discovered on the Internet a few years back in which the wife references to tape costs ten years prior, so let us assume they were in Amway through the mid-90s. As a reminder, I did not modify the storey; it was just copied and pasted from another source. Despite the fact that they used a load of **** to avoid saying bastards, I have no problem calling them out for what they are!

It's incredible how many of us have tales that are so similar, even 15 years apart:

In the face of the realisation that my husband would never be able to muster the motivation to perform the things they needed him to do in order to "grow the business," I begged and pleaded with him to refrain from spending money on books, videos, seminars, or large rallies.

In the end, he just kept going, and the more time passed, the more I realised that the primary reason we were unable to receive any meaningful assistance from our upline was that they were already making a substantial amount of money from us through their share of the sales of tapes and books, as well as through seminars and rallies. To give you an example, it costs pennies each to mass duplicate a tape of one of these "upline" speakers speaking at a rally, yet our price for the two recordings of the week ten years ago was more than $7.00 per tape.

At long last, I requested that our wonderful sponsors speak with him and convince him to abandon the firm, since he was clearly not going to put in the effort to run it. Instead, they pushed him to maintain communication with them behind my back, and he obtained a credit card that I was unaware of and used it to charge $6,000 to his account while ripping the bills out of the mail so that I was never aware of them being sent.

This was due to the fact that I was working a second job to try to pay off the other two credit cards, which were also charged to the hilt with Amway nonsense to the tune of 80+ percent. The $400 a month I was sending him was supposed to be applied directly to charge cards, but he never did that. Instead, he was just making the bare minimum payments and squandering the remaining funds on more motivational nonsense. His friends assured him that he was making the proper decision since, should his endeavours be successful, he would make up for lost time.

In four years, $16,000 was spent. One marriage was on the verge of disintegrating. Bankruptcy. And he has refused to throw away the photographs of himself with the diamonds and emeralds till this very day. Because of the brainwashing procedures they employ, which are eerily similar to those employed by religious cults, he is no longer the same person and will never be again.

One of those rat-faced Amway ba******s would only be urinate on me if he or she was on fire, and that would be the one occasion in my life that I would refuse to do so.

To view the original post as well as the comments that followed, click here.

Although it garners the customary amount of attention, with people sharing their Amway horror stories, it doesn't take long for the first ambot to turn up and reveal that there was something wrong with their marriage to begin with. Few brainwashed ambots show up to extol the virtues of their venerated organisation in the manner of the normal Amway talk. It's as if we've all heard it a hundred times before now.

They should be grateful that only $16,000 was spent over four years. In today's world, that would not be an unrealistic amount of money to spend in a single year. There are more expenses associated with tools these days, and the cost of functions has increased, as has the cost of travel, meals, and hotels for the functions.

Let's use the following checklist to compare this wife's narrative to mine:

Wife asks/begs husband to leave the relationship. Check.

The upline is profiting from the victim of the downline. Check.

The sponsor couldn't care a rat's behind about his wife's appearance. Check.

Husband is amassing a large credit card balance. Check.

The husband is sneaking around behind his wife's back in order to become affiliated with the Amway cult. Check.

When it comes to credit card bills, my husband merely makes the bare minimum payments so that he has money left over to spend on more Amway garbage and motivational items. Check.

Bullshit propaganda from the upline about how the husband would one day be a wealthy businessman. Check.

Hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent on Amway. Check.The marriage was on the verge of disintegrating. Check.The cult has successfully indoctrinated her husband. Check.

The upline is referred to as "rat-faced Amway bastards" by the wife. Check.

OK. OK. I realise that on point # 11, I describe individuals in my upline as "bastards" a lot more harshly than she does, but you get the picture.

Although I did not write that narrative, it could have been written by any of the thousands of other Amway widows who could have done so. It's my storey, their storey, and our storey all rolled into one. The plot of the storey never changes. It's only the players.

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