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Saturday, September 11, 2021

Amway IBO’s Don’t Care

 The following phrase was searched for recently by a searcher who wanted to know more about it:

“Some will, some will not, Amway doesn't care.”

This is most likely a quotation from the ambot's superior. For one, that sounds just like something our sack of sh*t Platinum would say when referring to prospecting or pleading with people to purchase things from your "own" Amway store. What is the success rate in this case? As an alternative to expressing something along the lines of "for every 800 people you speak with, one will come to a board plan meeting," he would add something along the lines of "some will, some won't."

“Who gives a damn?” This is an example of a typical ambot response, which I discussed in a prior post.

The majority of that post was devoted to the snarky attitude that IBOs have regarding the environment, conservation, and ecological footprints, among other things.

Effortlessly contribute to the preservation of our environment for fuck's sake! You are irresponsible citizens if you say things like "who cares about the price of gas," "who cares about the price of electricity," and "who cares about the water metre." You demonstrate this by your actions. The word has been sent out that Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) couldn't give a flying fuck about energy conservation, regardless of whether or not they could afford the costs. Attitudes with a sour taste!

If someone were to simply search for the phrase "some will, some won't, who cares," it could apply to a wide range of circumstances. The fact that the search term "Amway" was entered eliminates any doubt that the searcher is an insensitive independent business owner (IBO).

Not everyone will be in need of your company's services or products when it comes to owning a business, regardless of whether you offer a product. If you own an apartment complex, your business strategy is to fill all of the units with tenants who are responsible and timely with their monthly payments. When it comes time to collect the rent, an apartment owner does not approach the situation with the mindset that some will, some will not, and who cares. That is, unless you are an independent business owner (IBO), although I doubt that any IBOs have a revenue stream of that magnitude. Then we'd all want to live there since they have a who cares attitude when the rent is due, and we'd all be happy to get away from our jobs and live for free.

All businesses, with the exception of IBOs and their who cares attitude toward potential consumers and their sneers at potential clients, are concerned about recruiting customers and keeping them as customers.

Of course, there are those consumers who we do not want to do business with. Whiners and check bouncers spring to mind as examples of this. Customers that are troublemakers are not wanted or needed.

The majority of business owners do not intentionally damage their reputations or burn bridges with their customers.

This is not the case with Amway independent business owners (IBOs). Their negative attitudes and fury directed at individuals who do not wish to join Amway, combined with the poor reputation of those IBOs who came before them, has all but sealed their doom for the time being.

Get a clue, people! Most people in North America have interacted with Amway and an Amway IBO with a who cares attitude at some point in their lives, and it does not leave them with a positive impression.

The fact that searchers find their way to my blog because of Amway's influence has made them uncaring members of our society is upsetting.

My Ambot, on the other hand, has developed a "who cares" mentality. Everything I did or asked him to do was met with the inquiry, "How is this going to make me money in my business?" He would say. That is the way Amway ambots think about things. The greedy, self-centered mindset permeates all they say and do. “How is doing that going to help me make money or develop my business?” you might wonder. Lovely! Even more repugnant is the fact that these individuals cared about others prior to joining Amway.

What if an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO) is the first person to arrive on the scene of a horrific car accident? After taking a glance around at the accident, the IBO thinks to himself, "If I stop to help, how is that going to help me make money in my Amway business?" It isn't going to happen, so what's the point? Some will stop, some will not, but it doesn't matter because the driver keeps driving. During his drive, another IBO notices an abandoned dog running in the middle of a busy roadway. If the dog is not removed from the roadway, it may be struck by a vehicle, resulting in its death and possibly the injury of the vehicle's occupants. Is the IBO concerned enough to pull over and attempt to get the dog to safety? Nope. This is due to the fact that the IBO isn't concerned with anything until it benefits him financially. In a nearby hotel, an Amway convention is taking place. The swimming pool may be seen via the windows of the conference room. IBOs can clearly see a tiny child walking around the pool with no adults in sight, and the child ends up falling into it. The IBOs must choose between remaining in the cult and listening to the cult leader or running outside to jump in the pool and rescue the kid. They must decide which option will bring them more money. They all remain in their current positions in a room full of who cares attitudes.

I witnessed a car collide with a youngster riding a bicycle about a block away from me one day. Even though I didn't have a good view of what was going on, there were at least 20 cars in front of me that appeared to be packed full of Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs), all of whom drove past the injured boy using the Amway attitude of "some will, some won't" when deciding whether or not to stop and offer assistance, and how that was going to make them money. I came to a halt when I noticed the boy had a foot injury, so I dialled 911 and then his father. The driver who struck him did not have a cell phone and appeared to be in a state of shock. Because she was not an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO) with a "who cares" mentality, I am confident she would have continued driving.

As an Amway IBO with a who cares attitude, how would you have felt if that was your child and car after car full of Amway IBOs with their who cares attitude kept driving past you and no one offered to help? If so, would the IBO continue to have a who cares attitude toward some and not others?

People are destroyed by Amway greed, and they are transformed into apathetic individuals who utter the words "who cares?"

Avoid any Amway IBO that responds with a dismissive "who cares" when questioned or confronted on any subject. Normal individuals do not want to associate with filth like them because they do not care about the well-being of their fellow human beings. Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) are concerned with material goods, and they don't care who they fuck over in order to acquire what they desire.

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