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Saturday, September 11, 2021

Married to an Ambot is One Year Old!

 The first post on Anna Banana's Married to an Ambot Blog was published on August 26, 2010, making today the one-year anniversary of the blog!

In order to get a lot of stuff off my chest about how we were treated unfairly by our Amway upline, the money we lost, the things I witnessed, and to curse out our upline, I started writing this blog. When I wrote my blog, I hoped that it would be of assistance to other wives who were in the same helpless position that I was: dealing with a spouse who had been brainwashed by the Amway cult.

As the year 2010 came to a close, it became increasingly apparent to me that I was running out of stories. When you've been involved in the Amway fraud for less than a year, there are just a limited number of negative memories to fall back on. After four months of blogging, I had ran out of ideas for articles. In fact, I recall mentioning it in a piece I did earlier this year, in which I stated that I would probably not post as frequently in the future because I had pretty well covered our Amway punishment.

I read something that jogs a memory, and it prompts me to write about it precisely when I believe I've shared all of the stories I have to say. Alternatively, one of those Amway jerks calls Ambot, which prompts me to create a blog post berating them for their incompetence. Recently, Ambot's sponsor Captain Fuck Up called to tell that he was purchasing something and was concerned about the price tag and asked if Ambot knew of any places where he could get it at a lower price. What? Is it true that Amway does not sell it? Ambot believes that Captain Fuck Up left Amway at the same time that we did, but since I don't speak with the son of a bitch, I have no way of knowing for sure whether or not this is true. Someone posted a remark for me a few months ago, asking how I could be certain that Captain Fuck Up is still not an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO). The answer is that I don't know, but in any case, he will forever be referred to as that fucking Amway jackass to Ambot in my mind. I am aware that our old bag of shit Platinum informed all IBOs in our prior line that they were no longer permitted to do business with Ambot or myself following our departure from Amway. It's something I bring up to Ambot on a regular basis when he calls or comes by, and he keeps trying to convince me that it doesn't matter what the cult leader says because Captain Fuck Up is no longer a part of the Amway organisation. I'm starting to believe him. I believe that it makes no difference and that there should be no contact at all. Yeah, that's what I was thinking.

In case anyone is wondering, Captain Fuck Up is not permitted to enter our residence. Ambot always runs out to chat to him when he comes by since he parks on the street every time. You'd think the obtuse ass bastard would have picked up on anything. Come on, fellas! You should be quite suspicious if your friend's wife refuses to let you in the house. The majority of guys can tell when their friend's wife doesn't like them, and they avoid being around them. Most guys who have gotten their friend embroiled in a cult and caused financial and emotional hardship, as well as knowing that their friend's wife is much more enraged than before, would advise their friend to stay the hell away. No, not this conceited jerk. What exactly is the problem with people?

Consequently, in honour of my one-year blogging anniversary, let me send out a heartfelt FUCK YOU to the two most wicked and despised guys in our former upline - our sponsor, the arrogant Captain Fuck Up, and the pompous piece of crap Platinum cult leader - and their respective families. This site would not exist if it weren't for you two jerks who cause so much hassle.

I have a large number of readers, many of whom visit my site on a daily basis to see if I have published a new piece. I hate to let people down by not being able to write something, but there are times when the well runs dry. It also depends on what I'm doing that day. It's possible that I'm extremely busy or that I'm not in the mood to write.

A lot of you have shared your stories with me, and I've liked listening to them. Several of the comments made by readers have been quite sad and heartbreaking, and I always send out positive vibes in the hope that you will be able to recover financially and emotionally from your Amway ordeals.

When a brainwashed ambot swings by to leave a canned Amspeak response straight from a tape, I find it amusing and entertaining. Oops! Make that CD a reality. After years of being extinct, the IBOFB will be shitting his pants and demanding to know where I obtained a copy of the video in question. Typical feedback remarks from brainwashed IBOs include the following: quitter, loser, didn't try hard enough, negative, unchristian, lazy, dream stealer, working for someone else, and so on. I have a little fun with it every now and then and post their reaction as a new blog topic, along with my response back to them. It's not like they're going to read it again, but the rest of us can have a good laugh at their expense while they're away.

In fact, a few new blogs have emerged in the past year, including MLM Punisher, Lobotomized, and John, who was writing Ambot.0 before it was abandoned. Oh, wait a minute. Joecool goes by a variety of aliases. When a new blogger gets up and running and we get to hear their tale, it makes me happy. A couple of people who have left comments on my blog have expressed an interest in writing about their Amway experiences, and I hope they will consider joining the blogging community in the future as well.

So, have I achieved what I set out to do, as stated in the tagline of my blog? Is that correct?

My own account of what it's like to be married to an Amway cult member. I expose the deceptions perpetrated by our upline, as well as what takes place during Amway meetings and functions. Other blogs can explain why Amway is a bad business opportunity or why the tool scam is a fraud. I'll leave that to them. This blog is primarily intended to cuss out my former upline, also known as the cult leaders, and to inform the general public about the types of fools I had to put up with.

The truth is out there about what it was like to live with my husband and the Amway crap prefabricated speeches he was always spewing out on the radio and television. Oh, yes, I've debunked many of the lies spread by our upline. And, sure, I have left the technical explanations of the Amway business opportunity to writers who have more knowledge in this field and who can explain it in a rational and logical manner in their own blogs and postings. I'm confident that I've done an excellent job of using my blog to curse out my former upline. I'm confident that my upline is a bunch of fucking idiots, and I'm confident that my readers agree.

I would consider myself to have achieved the goal I set out for myself. Only by writing down and sharing our experiences with others can we help people learn from the horrible things that have occurred in our life. Current IBOs and representatives from Amway headquarters who come to my site to read what I have to say about our Amway experience may not be pleased that I am putting the truth out there about our company, but that is their problem. If Amway maintained greater control over its cult leaders and put a stop to downline abuse, as well as priced their products competitively and stopped ripping off people, blogs like mine would not be necessary or necessary.

As I discovered a few months ago, reaching the one-year milestone does not imply that I am finished blogging or even that I am slowing down. Just because I believe I have covered all of the Amway horror stories I have encountered does not imply that I have. Who knows where I get the ideas for these things.

Women who have written me to express their gratitude for my blog and to let them know they are not alone in the difficulties they are experiencing as a result of being married to an ambot, I encourage you to stay strong and send them good thoughts and positive vibes in the hopes that your husbands will see the light very soon and that you will be free of the Amway nightmare very soon.

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