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Saturday, September 11, 2021

Is Amway the ONLY thing One Can Do to Succeed in Life?

 The previous year, when I attended Dream Night, numerous couples were invited to come forward, take the microphone, and share their thoughts and feelings. I believe they were eagles or double eagles, but I'm not sure. They'd progressed to some degree, but I'm confident it wasn't Platinum or even higher. Several years ago, I witnessed a couple who were praising the merits of an Amway firm when the lady yelled out, "What else is there?" I'm assuming she was referring to entrepreneurial options or earning money outside of a traditional 9-to-5 job.

Allow me to respond to her query. There is literally anything else out there to choose from! People who have found success while remaining away from Amway are plentiful in my network of acquaintances.

This is a message I've heard again and over again at meetings led by Platinum, Emerald, and Diamond speakers: "Amway is the ONLY thing you can do to achieve in life." This is a technique used in brainwashing. We must not allow IBOs to believe that there are other opportunities for them to be successful in life, which may cause them to divert their time, energy, or money away from the Amway deception. Ambot had already achieved some degree of success prior to joining the Amway cult, but his business was constantly put on the back burner for one reason or another (what if he gets sick, what if there is a slowdown, etc.), and he was brainwashed into believing that his business would not last while Amway success would last forever. Ambot has since left the Amway cult.

Everyone has a distinct definition of what constitutes a successful career. I could go on and on listing hundreds of products and still not be done. Earning a desired income, attaining a desired scholastic level, owning a restaurant that is packed every night with customers, being selected for a local circuit baseball team, publishing a book, playing a musical instrument, losing weight, getting married, purchasing a New York City penthouse overlooking Central Park, etc. are all examples of success for some people. The possibilities are virtually limitless.

It is being suggested that, to the vast majority of sensible human beings, Amway is not the only thing one can do to achieve success in life.

The statement "There is nothing else out there except Amway" is pounded into IBOs as part of the brainwashing techniques used to recruit them. In order to be successful in Amway, the cult leaders tell IBOs they must give up anything else in their lives that isn't helping them succeed in Amway.

I've also been asked numerous times, "What are you prepared to give up in order to be successful in this business?"

There is also an unending number of choices for what an IBO should discard: spouse, friends, church, work, TV, books, hobbies, car, house, and so on and so forth.

But who says that in order to be successful, you have to give up things you enjoy or things that make you tick as part of your lifestyle?

A common question posed to apprentice mechanics is, "What are some of the things you're prepared to give up in order to fix cars?" Who would advise a mechanic that in order to start his own garage, he must give up his wife, his television, his friends, and his hobbies, sell his house, and get rid of his dog, among other things, or he will fail miserably in his endeavour?

Isn't that ridiculous? Perhaps only to those who have not been brainwashed by IBO's and their ilk. People are capable of juggling a variety of additional responsibilities while also achieving their desired results in their chosen fields. According to the venerable cult leaders, Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) are not.

Amway is not the only thing that one can do to improve their chances of success in life. Based on my and Ambot's personal experiences, I'd say Amway is the one and only thing we've ever failed at in our lives. In a system that is specifically engineered to fail. What else would you have expected?

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